Life Is A Beautiful Gift – Use It To Inspire Others


Life is a beautiful gift given by God himself to us. We always crib about how life sucks and how difficult life is for us. The truth is life is different for everybody it isn’t the same. Some people have the most amazing life still crib about not getting perfect matching jewellery, while some have a tough life still manages to say life is beautiful. The life that you are living is a precious gift. Someone out there would want to be in your place. Why do I say that is because a lot of people are not really happy the way they are. They try to end their lives, drink finial, and cut their writs, all in the name of ‘love’. Well I don’t have hatred for love neither am I against it. I just feel doing foolish things in love is not right. We all know that but we still do it not only you it’s thee with me. No matter what you do respect the life you are living.

 Life Is A Beautiful Gift

You may want to end your life and some people are praying to God for more years to get added on to their life. No one knows how long you live. Live it to the fullest make this journey of life a memorable one. Count your blessings. Thank God for it. If you have ever seen death closely you certainly know the value of life. You come across a moment of truth when you realise this is it. You think of the one you love the most your parents, brother, sister, lover and friend. Will they ever see you again assume your life ends, how would it be like? Will there be people crying for you? Will they remember you?

Life is meant to be lived, not cursed or cried upon. Every living creature should be grateful for being alive. Life is a journey between birth and death it should be made a memorable one. We need not curse our life just because things aren’t going well. Whatever happens to us is meant to happen. It happens because of the decisions we take be it wrong or right. In this beautiful life that we live we are connected to so many people. They become a part of our life. Friends, lovers and enemies all become a part of our life. A memory of everything that reflects our life is what we take back in our journey of life and death. Life should be lived in such a manner that you should inspire people to believe in living. Life is what you make out of it. If you haven’t figured out what to do with your life, you need not cry over it find out a solution to your problem. Do not be lazy slouchy and sulky in life. You must try to set an example to others. The happiest people I see are the ones who have disabilities but are so happy and contented. They do not crib about their physical impaired disabilities. Instead they try to do everything that they can so that they don’t have to be dependent on others.

If you ever feel you are not motivated then you’ve got to watch Nick Vujicic videos he is that motivational speaker that has touched so many lives. Having no hands no legs he speaks to motivate a lot of people and is being paid billions of rupees. He has a wife who loves him for being so wonderful and is blessed with a child too. He could have had so many reasons to sulk and curse his life and curse God but he didn’t do what a lot of people do that is sulking. He did what it takes to make his life perfect and happy that is he was positive and he accepted that life is not going to be easy for him he has to have an edge over the others. He self-motivated himself. That is what we are called to do in this journey of birth and death.

 Life Is A Beautiful Gift 1

Life is a combination of happiness and sadness. Whenever you feel life has brought in so much of pain in your life always make that pain into you GAIN. PAIN stands for “Positive Attitude In Negative situation”. In life we do not get many chances. In the same way we live life only once and we should live it to the fullest. There is no point in loving others when you do not respect and love your own life. Be grateful of living this life that you have. Many have lost their loved ones. Some have just a few more hours or may be years to live with their loved ones due to illness. Life isn’t bad at all. Sure one day in your life may be bad it doesn’t mean your whole life is a mistake. Every incident in your life is a learning process.

Your new approach to life should be

  • When life throws a lemon at you, you should order for some tequila and a pinch of salt and enjoy the drink.
  • Take everything as it comes and find the positive side of it.
  • Even if everything seems low remember there is always a bright morning after the darkest night has gone.
  • Life is all about the balance between both good and bad.
  • Life is a story makes yours the best seller. You are the author of your own life. Even though God has already planned your journey. But you can complete it and make it presentable
  • Inspiring others through your life is the best thing what you can do. It is the gift that can give you blessings. Inspire others in a good way.
  • Take chances in life, it may turn out to be the best thing you have done you never know. Later in life we only regret the chances we never took.



Carren Bryne.

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