Life Of Prostitutes


anti prostitution

Everyone feels so awkward by hearing the word ‘prostitutes’, but it is something to know about. One who thinks that they have the most luxurious life and call them cheap, the article is mainly for them. There is one nice saying, “Don’t judge people just by seeing them, you never know what they are going through.”


What do we think about prostitutes? We just think that they are someone who engages in sexual relations in exchange for payment or some other benefit. But we never try to know why they choose prostitution as their life. They are given abusive names, they are never respected, and basically they don’t have their own life. They need to act like slaves of others.


The lives of the prostitutes are very different as compared to our life. Generally, the beginnings of their days are not similar to the day of ours. Unlike other professionals, they don’t have to get up early in the morning and prepare for office. They are not bothered about the traffic jam that keeps almost every person tensed during peak hours of the day. For obvious reasons, they don’t prefer to come out in daylight. Only after the sunset, does their day begin. Their service hours commence from the evening up to almost the starting hours of the next morning. They work without any leave. Unlike others, holidays make their work schedule even more hectic.

They don’t have to report to any boss and they don’t even have to wait for the end of the month to get their salaries. They don’t even remember that who put them in this garbage. They need to serve both Indians and foreigners. Every night, they have to work hard to please their customers so that they get good tips for their service. They have only one identity, for civilized society they are ‘prostitutes’ and for uncivilized society they are ‘kothewalis’.


As the evening starts, these girls get ready in beautiful salwar suits, sarees or western dresses. After getting ready, they go out on streets or balcony to attract their customers. The clients come on their own and pick them up. After that they are brought to a hotel or a farmhouse or rooms (kothas). Some of the ’kothewalis’ do not have to go outside as they have their own ’dalals’ (pimps). These pimps bring clients after proper bargaining. Even, the payments are dealt by these men.


They have to act like dummies and have to do whatever asked for. Some people are in this field by their own wish, but some of them come in this garbage because of no choice. They choose prostitution for the lives of their family, to complete their basic needs, etc. Some of them have everything in their life : money, basic needs, family and everything, but they are forced into these and it is known as ‘rackets’. They are sold to people.


The life of these prostitutes is thus not at all easy. They have to go through many things that we’ll not understand in our whole life. So this is the life of prostitutes, some are doing by their wish and some are forced to do so.

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Shreya Rathod