I am a taxi driver. I was born in Pune in a very rich family. I have a passionate about driving since my childhood. I used to drive my dad’s bike and car in the early morning by hiding it from my parents.

One day my dad saw me while driving his bike. He had beaten me a lot and said to concentrate on my studies not on these foolish things. I felt very bad. But I was a kind of a guy who never used to listen anyone. I keet doing the same things. Then my dad kicked me out of his house and said that I won’t understand my mistakes unless and until I become a father.
Now the turning point of my life had started I worked in a small company and earned Rs. 20000. With that amount I took a taxi and I left my previous job. I started driving taxi so my name had changed from Gopal to taxiwala.

I passed through various stages of my life. There were some paths which were good and some were bad. I earned a lot from my taxi and then I took my own house.
I met a girl, who was my neighbor turned wife. I fell in love with her and I got married with her now I have one son and one daughter as my family. My family was living a very happy life. But it was a very bad day of my life when my left leg came under the truck. Yes it was an accident!! And I lost my left leg. After the accident I had to drive taxi by one leg for survival of my family. I had to fulfill their requirements. I did very hard work and earned money. I used to say my children that they should study hard because education is must in their life. If the person is illiterate then he/she won’t be able to understand anything in this world.

I always given my example to them that I suffered a lot in my life because I never studied. If I would have completed my education then today I would be in a firm with a well settled job. I send my children for higher studies to America and they became C.A and Engineer. They are now doing a job and they are well settled. Now I don’t need to take care of them they are taking care of mine.

So friends we should understand education is must in our life. It is a path of success which will take us to the different level in this world. Every child things that she/he will do work later but once the time has gone it won’t come back. We should do timepass an enjoy our life but should be for a certain extend. We should not spoil our life by taking it very easy. We must take it very seriously and get successful. We should do the hard work and get good returns.
Now I also don’t allow my children to drive. Because I am scared. Now I re-collect my dad’s sentences and try to learn from mistakes.

MOBILE NO.9757147374
[email protected]






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