Life @ – The Manager In Making! (Day- 4)



We had given our interns the opportunity to become a manager for a week. They had been given tasks, deadlines and with practically no interference from me or Parvathy Ma’am my interns were supposed to fulfill their tasks on their own. No they didn’t achieve 100 percent but the performance was not as bad as i had imagined, in fact somewhere I feel they will complete these targets by the end of the week and that is one thought that surely makes me feel happy.

A brilliant intern of mine left the team on account of Family issues and it was quite upsetting to let go of someone with so much potential, Manal the team is going to miss you! Harshvardhan, Jainam and Misbaah are my oldest interns a few days back when Harsh pinged me and told me he had completed about 200 articles with the team I felt really proud and that feeling had an encore performance when today Tanvi shah another one of my team told me she had completed her first century with the website. With every milestone my interns cross somewhere I cross them too and that feeling is truly amazing.

Now I know how Parvathy Ma’am must be feeling about my growth and mistakes, (more on the mistakes part but shh… about that 😛 ) An old intern Freny who was on leave for the internal exams plans on joining back into the team and so does Saloni another great intern who had to leave us mid way due to health issues, a warm welcome back to both of you.

A new entrant to the BMS team and the very first intern to take up the 45 day internship is Carren who sent in her first two articles today and the scope for potential is immense, hoping to help Carren develop her writing throughout this internship. Another very enthusiastic  content applicant was Aishwarya and I do hope we find her as a great asset to our team real soon!

Every week my team has the target of churning out 180 quality articles and this week we have done up to 120 as of yet, hopefully will cover up on the 60 over the weekend! The article that got us maximum page views this week was: Are You Too Stupid To Know You are Being Stupid?  by Harshvardhan Singh and he managed a whooping 838 page views on that! Congratulations Harsh 🙂

Dealing with so many amazing interns on a regular basis has me wizened up alright and I have complied: The Ultimate Internship Guide For Interns and Employers Alike, do have a go!


Summing up Yesterday Quickly:

1. I Wrote out a little Advise to the T.Y.BMS students on how to plan their career: T.Y.Talk: Career Plans And mapping It Up The Right Way.

2. S.Y.BMSites got to know a lot of tricks on balancing their academics and extracurricular’s: S.Y.BMS Diaries: Scoring Well In Academics And Extracurricular’s Simultaneously

3. The best part of my day went in creating this: 10 Types Of BMSites You Will Definitely Come Across!

Plan, understand And Implement and That is What Helps You Achieve Your Targets Eventually!

With this thought I sign off for the week! See you on Monday with a new set of my adventures on my work blog: [email protected] – The Manager In Making!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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