Like Father Like Daughter!


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Every daughter’s first love is her father. The man whose finger she holds on to probably forever. People say that daughters are close to fathers and sons to mothers. It’s right most of the times. Every daughter idolizes her father in her growing up years. He is her own personal super hero who loves and cares for her unconditionally.

I think it all starts right when he holds her in his arms for the very first time. There is an instant connect which every father feels and the girl feels a sense of comfort and assurance. It progresses when the girl reaches the toddler stage and her father lovingly picks her up and swings her in the air; she doesn’t hesitate a bit and enjoys every moment of it as she knows that she is in the world’s safest arms. It develops further with the baths and the splash in the bathroom, the breakfast made by her father, the cartoons they watch together and much more. With every passing moment the bond strengthens even more.

At times the daughters tend to have similar habits and likes and dislikes like her father. They may have the same sleeping pattern and style. Their favorite dishes may be the same which may at times cause trouble for the mother since she may end up cooking the vegetable of their choice more often which may not be her own favorite. I think it comes naturally or genetically to be more precise.

Fathers are very important in their daughter’s life. It’s because of them that daughters shape the way they turn out to be. Fathers inculcate discipline, punctuality, orderliness, etc in their children’s life. They show the world to their children. Fathers not only provide for the needs of their children but also take care of their little joys.

Fathers at later stage go on to become the best friend of their daughters. They not only become the emotional comforter but also imbibe a practical and rational sense in their daughters. Daughters share everything with their fathers right from their educational doubts, career options, friends, crushes and boyfriends, movies, politics… etc. Their father’s perspective is very important for them.


Fathers are the ones who treat their daughters like a princess always by their side in each and every situation. If one ever wants to see what unconditional love looks like than one must see a father from his daughter’s eyes. He is the one she will truly love forever.

–        Anjani M Nautiyal

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namrata desai


  1. I m touched by anjani’s this article.
    Indeed its true that daughters are d best thing happen to a family…
    Its Gods best blessing to parents.
    Daughters bring wide colour shades n music in life of parents.
    Daughters are full of energey care n luv n l m blessed to experience it on day today.
    As a father / parents d best thing v can give our daughters is d freedom of expression.
    Empoerement by giving them best education.
    Love affection n security brings out d best in them.

    Most important is give them your time n listen to their non stop music (l mean badbad)
    I m sure all father n mother will agree to my submission.

    Love u my little (alwyas) princess
    A proud father.

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