Like Socializing? Top 3 Jobs For The People Who Love Socializing


Article 6

Some people have this natural Talent of attracting people towards them easily. Such people can make new friends at the blink of an eye and can even mix-up easily in a group of people which they have met for the first time. So for all those people who have this natural talent of socializing here’s an idea, why don’t you turn your hobby into your profession?

The following are the top jobs for a person who loves to socialize and trust me these jobs do require serious socializing:

1) Office Manager

For an office manager it is must to possess two important qualities that is Pro-organization skills and social personality which will result in bringing more sources of revenue to the organization in the form of new clients. As a manager trust me you’re being paid to just smile and start an interesting conversation with the new client attracting his interest in the organization.

2) Event Planner

Event planning is one of the most amazing and interesting jobs of all time. Event planning includes planning Marriage functions, parties, birthdays and many more. These jobs include lot of socializing activities which one needs to perform and the person who is good with will be able to do it quite easily. For e.g. there is a play show going to happen and you’re the organizer of it and your friend is playing the lead role of the play and your job is to attract people towards the play and make them buy the tickets! So for a person good at socializing will make the sale of tickets go easily performing various socializing activities

3) Fund Raiser

These are the people who play an important role in raising the required sum of money for a particular cause. For this one needs to develop good relations between your organization who is organizing the cause and sponsor who is providing with necessary funds. Thus requiring lot of socializing skills to attract people in your cause and make them donate a handsome amount of money. Usually non-profit organizations host such kind of events.


– By Burhan Fatehi


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