Limitations of DAGMAR


Limitations of DAGMAR—


There are certain problems and  limitations to  DAGMAR, which should be discussed. These include:


Measurement problems: With the adoption of DAGMAR model, the measurement becomes a problem. The marketers question that what should they actually measure? Is it attitude, awareness or brand comprehension?

Example:  The  VIP  Feelings  advertisements  for  ladies  undergarments  could  be  successful changing the attitude towards the brand VIP that was associated to be a man’s wear, or it could be successful in creating awareness that VIP has started a new line of product for ladies too. Evaluating and measuring this form one single advertisement is difficult.


Noise in the system:  DAGMAR assumes that  the awareness and  liking of the brand  can be achieved through advertising alone. But the underlying fact is that there are many other variables such as competitive promotion, unplanned publicity, word of mouth, simple discussion with peers, new paper articles etc all create awareness of the brand. Thus there are many other eleme nts other than advertising in the hierarchy chain that create awareness. Example: Tupperware is famous in Indian cities. It has happened only through personal selling and networking. Advertising has had no role in it.


Inhibiting great idea: The more defined and concrete objective of the client brief, the less creative the advertisement will be, as a result, the effectiveness of the advertisement is reduced. Example: A campaign with all music and warm human visuals is be loved by everybody but it would fail to meet the company’s standard. Thus a  wonderful campaign would be evaluated on wrong criteria.



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