Lip care tips



Even the most expensive lipsticks don’t good on chapped lips.Taking care of your lips should be an integral part of your life.There are certain does and don’ts you should know. They are as follows:-



Make point to throw away cheap, smelly, flavored chapsticks. These will tempt you to constantly lick your lips.






Always carry a moisturizing lip balm or lipstick with you. In addition to forming a moisture seal on your lips with petrolatum, beeswax, or oil.A  good lip balm will nourish your skin with vitamin E, jojoba oil, or whatever else you find most effective for your skin.












3.Whether it’s summer or winter, make sure your lip balm has an SPF protection of 15 or higher, which will keep your lips from burning and flaking.


4  Use lip balm as a base for your lipstick. This will create a protective moisture seal beneath your makeup, not to mention make it easier to apply.






Don’t bite your lips. This habit will not only scrape away the protective seal formed by your lip balm, but can also cause trauma to your delicate skin.




Use a moisturizing lipstick in the daytime, then switch to lip balm at night. Wake up in the morning with smooth lips.




Avoid thick or dark-colored lipsticks. A thinly applied, semi-transparent lip stain will show off the texture of your lips, making them appear smoother.



Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is a great way to keep your lips moist,you should at least drink 8 cups of water it also keeps your skin clear.



Avoid eating salty foods that leave a buildup on your lips. Salt draws moisture out of things, which is why people use it to dry and preserve meat. Eating Peppy or Cheetos, for example, will leave a salty orange powder around your mouth, causing your lips to dry out.





Cover your face in windy or cold weather. Tucking your mouth and chin beneath a scarf during bad weather will help protect your lips from the elements, especially wind.



Exfoliate your lips. Dip a plain toothbrush in petroleum jelly or Vaseline, then use it brush all the dead skin off your lips. Alternatively, mix a tablespoon of honey with enough sugar until you get a body-scrub-like texture, the scrub it across your lips with a toothbrush. Exfoliating will leave them smoother and make them look healthier.





Breathe through your nose. Breathing through your mouth dries out your lips just like windy weather.






Try coconut scrub on your lips for 5 minutes. This will reduce the amount of dead skin cells and blockage.










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Riya Lokhande


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