List of 200 Marks Project Topics


The following is the list of 200 marks projects for TYBMS students-

1. JIt
2. EOQ,
3. ABC analysis,
4. vendor performance,
5. quality circle,
6. TQM,
7. ISO 9000
8. value engineering
9. centralized purchase
10. management audit
11. company analysis with ratio/fund flow
12. study of stock exchange
13. role of SEBI
14. joint venture
15. merger
16. takeover
17. marginal cost as management tool
18. product life cycle
19. media plan
20. test marketing
21. export pricing
22. role of SSI in developed nation
23. role of SIDBI
24. role of EXIM bank
25. study of financial institute
26. mutual funds
27. privatization insurance,road,ports,etc
28. waste management
29. trade union movement in India
30. labor welfare scheme
31. working capital management
32. cash management/fund management
33. importance of budget
34. invisible exports
35. tourism industries
36. brand equity
37. bench marking
38. cooperative movement in agro product
39. marketing agro product
40. DOT.COM company in future
41. IT parks
42. south east Asian origin
43. FDI
44. regional grouping/trade block
45. SEZ
46. packing need
47. social forestry
48. comparative study of industries
49. marketing of SSI product
50. warehousing
51. transport
52. IATA
53. communication & custom service
54. universal bank
55. credit cards
56. health economics
57. body language
58. role of financial institute in industrial development
59. NBFC
60. GDR / ADR
61. debt markets
62. securitization
63. commercial paper
64. forex & treasury
65. performance appraisals
66. private sector banks
67. comparative study of 2 financial institutions
68. need & importance of financial analysis
69. tax & non tax revenues
70. deficit finance
71. corporate finance
72. corporate restructuring
73. tele banking
74. internet banking
75. capital markets
76. FIIs & India
77. failure of mutual funds
78. comparative study of mutual funds
79. emotional intelligence
80. organization culture in Indian organization
81. conflict management
82. time management
83. interpersonal relations
84. professional stress
85. counseling
86. transactional analysis
87. organization development
88. motivation
89. group dynamics
90. vedic management
91. human relation
92. VRS
93. retrenchment
94. layoffs
95. training & development
96. recruitment in Indian organization
97. rural marketing
98. CRM
99. customer relation
100. management of services
101. customer behavior with product
102. FEMA
103. tele marketing
104. sky shops
105. network marketing
106. global marketing
107. industrial goods marketing
108. marketing mix â case study
109. promotional strategies
110. exchange offers
111. after sales service
112. celebrating marketing
113. PLC
114. role of advertising
115. product diversification
116. product modification
117. product elimination
118. trend in privatization
119. trend analysis in FDI
120. impact of globalization in any industry
121. essentials of valid contract
122. rights & duties of directors
123. corporate governance
124. futures & options
125. financial swaps
126. foreign exchange rates
127. creation of corporate entity
128. dishonour of cheques & liability of directors
129. prospectus for issue of capital
130. role of partners including implied authorities
131. effect of dissolution of partnership
133. effect of indirect taxes in a company
134. Value added tax
135. meetings & minutes in a company
136. environment management
137. labour welfare measures under factories act
138. environment protection measures.
139. labour welfare measures under factories act
140. environmental protection measures
141. Stress Management
142. Brand Equity
143. IT management, IT insights
144. Finance Scams in India
149. Working Capital Management
150. Fedex- An encyclopedia on logistics management

Other topics –

1) Absenteeism

2) Activity-Based Costing (ABC) System

3) Advantages of Centralised Purchasing

4) Attendance Recording Methods

5) Attendance – Time Recording

6) Balance Score Card

7) Behavioral Aspects of Budgeting and Decision-Making

8 ) Bonus System to Workers

9) Budgetary Control

10) Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

11) Card Time Recorder

12) Control of Spoilage, Scrap and Defectives

13) Cost Accounting v/s Financial Accounting

14) Cost Accounting v/s Management Accounting

15) Cost Accounting in the Computerised Environment

16) Cost Accounting Information Systems

17) Cost Audit in India

18 ) Cost Audit v/s Financial Audit

19) Cost Audit v/s Management Audit

20) Cost Auditor

21) Cost Control

22) Cost Reduction Areas in a Factory Setup

23) Cost Reduction

24) Decision – Making under Uncertainty Conditions

25) Employee Welfare Programmes

26) Employer’s Contribution to Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)

27) Employer’s Contribution to Provident Fund (PF)

28 ) Farm Costing v/s Industrial Costing

29) Financial Information Systems

30) Fringe Benefits

31) Idle Time

32) Incentive System to Workers

33) Industrial Cost Cutting and Cost Control

34) Installation of Costing System

35) Inventory Management Techniques

36) International Organization for Standardisation (ISO)

37) Labour Remuneration Systems

38) Labour

39) Learners; or Apprentices’ Wages

40) Locational advantage of a production plant

41) Logistics Management

42) Management Information System (MIS)

43) Marginal Costing

44) Material Purchasing and Storekeeping

45) Material

46) Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

47) Materials Management

48 )Medical Service Cost

49) Night Shift

50) Outsourcing

51) Overheads

52) Payroll Accounting

53) Payroll Department

54) Plant Utilisation

55) Preparation of Wage Packets and Paying out Wages

56) Pricing Policies

57) Process Costing

58 ) Production Systems

59) Purchase Management

60) Quality Assurance

61) Quality Control

62) Quality Costing

63) Quality Management and Enhancement Techniques

64) Relevant and Irrelevant Costs for Decision-Making

65) Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting

66) Role of a Cost and Management Accounting

67) Service Costing

68 ) SAP

69) Shift Work

70) Standard Costing

71) Stores Management

72) TQM

73) Types of Budget

74) Training Employees for Waste Reduction

75) Variable and Fixed Overheads

76) Waste Reduction Techniques

77) Work on Holidays and Weekly Off-days

78 ) Zero Base Budgeting (ZBB)

Suggested Project Topics (By Prof Jabak):-

Topics in Cost Accounting –

1) Total Quality Management (TQM)

2) Six Sigma

3) Budgetary Control

4) Marginal Costing

5) Capital Budgeting

Topics in Finance/Others-


2) IPO

3) Accounting Standard

4) Secondary Market

5) Credit Rating Agencies

6) EVA

7) Stock Selection

8 ) FDI

9) FII

10) Derivatives

11) Corporate Governance

12) Mutual fund

13) PMS

14) NBFC

15) SEBI

16) Securitisation

17) Online Trading

18 ) A Study on “Warren Buffet”

19) A Study on “Peter Lynch”

20) A Study on SATYAM

21) A Study on Cairn-Vedanta deal


23) 2G Scam

24) Lakpal Bill

25) A Study on Vishal Retail

26) Subprime Crises

27) A Study on Subhiksha

28) A Study on Indian Insurance Market

29) A Study on Indian Automobile Market

30) India GDP Comparison with G-5 Nation

31) India and China Comparison

32) CWG Scam

33) Stock Market Scam

34) Exchange Rate Regimes

35) Jalan Committee Report

Check out these Projects in the Project Hub for Management Students

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