List of 25 Event Management Companies




While the past decade of the Indian economy has witnessed an alarming growth in the size of event management industry, the functioning of event industry is getting more organized and professional.

If you are planning to gain a lot of exposure and experience in event management, here is the list of 25 companies which can help you to get practical training for internships/jobs:

  1. Adobe
  2. Wizcraft
  3. Big Boss
  4. Planman Marcom
  5. CII
  6. Red Events
  7. Times of India
  8. Fusion Events
  9. Dynamo Events
  10. Razzmatazz Events
  11. Bliss Inc
  12. Go Bananas
  13. 360 Degrees
  14. Divine Celebration
  15. Page3 Events
  16. Showmakers
  17. Spin Entertainment
  18. FICCI
  19. Viva Events
  20. IT Voice
  21. Expro Events
  22. Seventy EMG
  23. Opus Media
  24. The Refuge
  25. Vanishka Entertainment

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