List of 5 Hollywood Couples Who Split Up For Good


There are hook ups and then there are break ups. Some of the break ups are cordial, some bad and some nasty. The reasons for which they broke up are clear for some and anonymous for the others. So here is my list of Hollywood couples who despite having a serious relation with each other could not find their way till the altar. Stay tuned…




Rihanna and Chris Brown-

Both are the singing sensations in Hollywood and their love story was all over the magazines on Oct 2, 2012 after their hook up in the griffin night club in NYC. Though Brown is known for his playboy image and despite of the several complaints of the molesting, Riri stood beside him but even after several attempts they broke up for good in 2013.


Jennifer and Brad Pitt-

These two made a lovely pair but as they say, “people who are not meant to be together, can’t be together. They met on a blind date in 1998 and got married in 2000, only to file a divorce in 2005 when Brad had found his true mate Angelina on the sets of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.


Britney and Justin Timberlake-

These young love birds were smitten with each other and Justin even confessed that he was infatuated since the time he first saw her. They hooked up in the year 1999 but the relationship was short lived and they broke up in 2002 when Britney allegedly cheated on JT. He even wrote a song ‘Cry me a river’ for his ladylove.

robert and kristen

Kristen and Robert Pattinson-

Teenage lovers Bella and Edward unlike the happy ending in the movie could not have the same in real life. They were in a serious relationship with each other and even bought an apartment for moving in together but did not stay together for long after Kristen allegedly cheated on Rob with the director of ‘Snow white and the Huntsmen’ Rupert Sanders.


Miranda and Orlando Bloom-

The Beautiful Miranda and Orlando started dating in the late 2007. They announced their engagement in 2010 and married the following month. They welcomed their first child Christopher on Jan 2011 after which things didn’t stay the same for this gorgeous couple. They filed for divorce in 2013 and are no longer together.


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Shabnam Mukadam
Student at Pillais institute of arts, commerce and science. An humble F.Y.B.Com student. Hobbies are reading and writing.


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