Conceptual questions in Retail management subject is generally asked for 15 marks in Section I. Students do not have any choice as they have to attempt all 5 questions. 3 marks is allotted per concept question. 6-7 points i.e. Maximum 1 page answer is expected for each retail management concept.
April 2011:
1) Store v/s Non store retailing
2) CRM in retailing
3) Store design
4) Vendor relations
5) Multi-channel retailing
April 2012:
1) Role of retailer in the distribution channel
2) Circulation plan
3) FDI in retail
4) Responsibilities of a store manager
5) Category
April 2013:
1) Variety in merchandise
2) Franchisees
3) Online retailing
4) Sales forecasting
5) Floor space management