Listen Up, Guys! Here’s What Every Woman Really Wants From The World


women want

Woman the unique part of God’s creation, ever ready to always give and never expect anything in return. Yet no one has ever bothered to ask her or find out what she really wants. People usually feel that woman only keeps demanding things but that’s really not the truth, she finds happiness in small little things. They only look at her from the outside and do not try to enter deep into her heart.

Right from the time she steps into this world, she wants to be felt that she is  needed and they are happy to see her but instead she is thrown away, is killed in the womb itself or after she is born. She wants to be accepted by her family and the society for her identity of being a girl; she wants to be loved equally like that of her brother without being discriminated on basis of gender. She does not want to be treated like a burden or a curse. She wants to live her childhood like any other kid, playing, learning and growing without bothering about anything else.

girl playing

During her growth years she wants her family to support and encourage her to fulfill her dreams and desires, help her in times when things do not turn out right. Give her the freedom to live her life the way she wants, without any unnecessary restrictions. She wants to explore new things, eat without getting fat, as the society only accepts thin people. Wear clothes without bothering about people’s eye on her. She wants to talk like everyone’s listening to her, laugh like no one’s watching.  She wants the society to treat her like human not like an object or a robot performing task on order. She wants to feel safe in this male dominant society, and have a firm place for herself in this world. She wants to be treated with respect and given a fair chance like those given to men.

respect women

After getting herself connected to a new family, she wants to be loved and respected by her husband and in laws, accepts her for what she is, giving her the liberty to work and earn her living even after marriage, treat her like a woman and not a maid doing only household chores. She wants her children to obey her and love her in all way.

In short a woman wants only those little things that any human may want. Is she asking for something that big that one can’t fulfill?

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Daisy Pais

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