Little Known Facts About Musical Legend Lata Mangeshkar


So you think you know everything about India’s nightingale. Here are a few little known facts about Lata Mangeshkar.

Lata’s voice has been found to be the ‘Most Perfect’ in the world by the Royal Albert Hall, London, which had recorded the graph of Lata’s voice with the help of a computer.

Although Lata attended school for a day, she has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by six universities, including the New York University.

An avid cricket fan, a permanent gallery has been reserved for Lata at the Lord’s Stadium.

Lata always sings barefoot as a mark of respect to the platform where she sings.

Lata’s diet includes chillies, which she insists adds sweetness to her voice.

In order to keep her voice flexible and exercise her facial muscles, Lata chews a lot of gum.

In 1974, Lata became the first Indian to have performed in the Royal Albert Hall, London.

Satyajit Ray and Lataji are the only two people who have received both the Bharat Ratna and the Dada Saheb Phalke awards.


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