Live-in Relationships, Worth A Try?



With western influence,live in relationships have acquired a very controversial status in today’s world.Living relationships have been there from many years,only the focus has shifted to them recently.

Live-in relationships are a new form of union taking on the idea of marriage. It is yet to be recognized in many countries and laws are yet to be established for dealing such kind of an idea. However, they are considered as a taboo in most of the eastern cultures.

Although it is popular in western countries and most of the people moving out of their house prefer to have a live-in relationship. Youth embrace this because of great deal of convenience and hassle free aspect. There are no complications as such in marriage. Marriages are costly affair requiring a lot of time and resources.


Failure in marriages can leave you with ordeal to deal with legal divorce and otherwise. However, that’s not the same in Live-in relationships. Live-in is just like a preview of the marriage to see how it works.You can choose to marry your partner if you are really ready to take the plunge.

But is it really good? Well,every coin has two sides.It is a good option for many youths while others think its a very nasty stuff. There are no complications compared to the kinds you have in a marriage. You can be in the relationship for as long as you want, and this way you keep it fresh and happy. The bondage of being their with each other for the rest of your life might get heavy on your heart and the slightest provocation or disturbance can bring in that fear.

This fear is not there in live in relationships.When you are in live-in relationship,you are financially independent from your partner,unlike marriage.There is freedom and flexibility in live-in that makes them so appealing to the youths. Couples involved are not bound by complications of marriage legally and by general rules of it. It is also free from hassles of children, socializing relatives, sharing of everything.

live inn

Similarly,The downside is that they are still not socially accepted in most parts of India. India is still not one of the most friendly places for singles and unmarried people, especially for women. People’s tendency to over think a live-in  relation is what makes is tough for socializing. Also,in live-in relations you may find yourself bursting out at your partner due to his mistakes or habits.

In a serious argument usually which can be sorted out without using harsh words,things can get nasty.When you are dating, you can just walk out of that argument and go back to your place to make up yourself and spend some time alone. But when you are in Live-in relationships,arguments tend to hike to harsh words and nasty comments that can leave you with one questions “Did I make a mistake by moving into a live-in relationship?”

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