Logistics Important Question Bank 2012


Short Notes: Concept based questions.

       Chapter 1

  1. Meaning and definition of logistics.
  2. Rapid response.
  3. Minimum Variance.
  4. Movement Consolidation.
  5. Return Logistics (Reverse Logistics).
  6. Military Logistics
  7. 3rd Party and 4th Party Logistics.
  8. Difference between logistics and Supply chain Management.
  9. Competency and Core Competency.
  10. Outsourcing.
  11. Functional integration of logistical management.

Chapter 2

  1. What is SCM?
  2. Global Supply Chain Management.
  3. Bull Whip Effect.
  4. Extended enterprise.
  5. Relationship Management.

Chapter 3

  1. Matrix organization.
  2.  Responsive Organization.
  3. Re-engineering.

Chapter 4

  1. Perfect order.
  2. Categorization of Customer Service elements.

Chapter 5

  1. Types of forecast.
  2.  Judgmental approach.
  3. Experimental approach.
  4. Relation/Causal approach.
  5. Time series approach/Exponential smoothing.
  6. Top down and bottom up approach.
  7. Delphi Method

Chapter 6

  1. Routes and section capacity.
  2. Terminal Facilities.
  3. Economies of scale in transportation.
  4. Economies of distance in transportation.
  5. Participants in transportation decision.
  6. Product and market related factors affecting transportation.
  7. Intermodal transportation.
  8. Vehicle turnaround time.
  9. ICD
  10. Load Planning.
  11. Trans-shipment.
  12. Vehicle utilization in transportation.
  13. Functions of transportation.
  14. Prime Movers.

Chapter 7

  1. Difference between Private and Public warehouse.
  2. Difference between warehouse and distribution center.
  3. Warehouse location and warehouse layout.
  4. Square root law.
  5. Functions of warehousing.


Chapter 8

  1. “Material handling adds to the cost not value” – Comment.
  2. Types of material handling equipments.

Chapter 9

  1. Briefly comment on the objectives of packaging.
  2. Types of packaging( consumer and industrial).
  3.  Unitization.
  4. Palletisation.
  5. Containerization.

Chapter 10

  1. Explain Service level.
  2. Explain Reorder level.
  3. Explain EOQ
  4. ABC analysis to control inventory or what is relevance of “80-20 rule” in inventory management?
  5. Two and three bin technique.
  6. Fair share allocation in inventory management.
  7. Distribution Requirement Planning.
  8. JIT 1 and JIT2.
  9. Kanban cards.
  10. Vendor Managed Inventory or Continuous Replenishment Strategy
  11. Quick Response Management.
  12. Explain”Geographical Specialization” as a function inventory.
  13. Explain “Decoupling” as a function of inventory.
  14. Cycle Inventory and average inventory.

Chapter 11

  1. Explain the meaning of logistics information system? Principles of Logistics Information system.
  2. Radio Frequency in Logistics.
  3. Satellite Communication in Logistics.
  4. EDI in Logistics.
  5. Bar Coding in Logistics.

Chapter 12

  1. What is benchmarking?
  2. Asset Measurement as a performance measure.

Chapter 13

  1. Explain Activity based costing and Mission Based costing.
  2. Explain cost identification.

Chapter 14

  1. Direct shipment network.
  2. Milk Run.
  3. Roll On Roll off(RORO)
  4. L.A.S.H

Chapter 15

  1. Golden quadrilateral.
  2. Container Corporation of India.
  3. Explain Cold Chain.
  4. Explain Logistics Park.
  5. Deep water ports.

Essay type questions

Chapter 1

  1. Explain the importance of Logistics in current business scenario in India.
  2. Explain how logistics interfaces with marketing.


Chapter 2

  1. Discuss how SCM and Logistics Management are different.
  2. Discuss the importance of SCM in current business scenario.

Chapter 3

  1. Explain factors determining organization structure.

Chapter 4

  1. What is customer service? Explain the objectives of customer service.

Chapter 5

  1. What is demand forecasting? Explain its importance?

Chapter 6

  1. Explain role of transportation/ Importance of transportation.
  2. Explain the factors considered in transportation policy.
  3. Explain Rail and Road as mode of transportation.
  4. Explain Airways as mode of transportation.
  5. Explain waterways as mode of transportation.
  6. Explain pipelines as mode of transportation.
  7. Explain ropeways as mode of transportation.
  8. Explain costs associated with transportation.

Chapter 7

  1. What is warehousing? Explain the Economic benefits of ware housing.
  2. What is warehousing? Explain the Service benefits of ware housing.
  3. Explain the types of warehouses.

Chapter 10

  1. Define and explain what is inventory. Purpose of holding inventory.
  2. Explain Selective techniques to control inventory or Importance of Inventory Control.
  3. MRP1 and MRP2.
  4. Explain various inventory cost.
  5. Explain types of Inventory.

Chapter 11

  1. What is the importance of Logistical Information System in procurement area?
  2. Role of technology in current logistical scenario. Or Use of technology to perform logistics function.

Chapter 12

  1. Explain the importance of Performance Measurement?
  2. Explain Internal Performance Measurement?
  3. Explain External Performance Measurement?

Chapter 14

  1. What is the importance of logistical network analysis?


Extra Questions:

  1. Explain role of packaging and warehousing in Logistics.
  2. “Customer satisfaction is an interface between marketing and logistics” comment.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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