Logistics Important Questions 2013 by Prof. Nitin Kulkarni





  1. What is logistical competency? How can a firm achieve logistical competency? Explain with reference to 3 C model and Value Chain.
  2. Explain the difference between Logistics and Supply chain management.
  3. What is Reverse Logistics? Explain the working of reverse logistics system along with key application areas for reverse logistics.
  4. What are the elements of customer service? Explain with reference to – Pre transaction, Transaction and Post transaction elements.
  5. What are the different quantitative and qualitative demand forecasting techniques?



  1. Explain what the different modes of transportation are. Explain advantages and disadvantages of any two modes of transport.
  2. What are the various factors (product related and market related) which affect transportation costs and pricing?
  3. Compare different types of warehouses. Explain advantages and limitations of Public and Private warehouses.
  4. Explain the functions of a warehouse. What additional functions (other than basic functions) can be performed in a warehouse?
  5. What are the guiding principles for selection of material handling system?
  6. What is mechanized material handling system? What different types of equipments are included in it and what are the advantages of using a mechanized material handling system?
  7. What is the difference between logistical packaging and retail (marketing) packaging? What are the main functions of packaging?


  1. What is EOQ (Economic Order Quantity)? Explain the concept of EOQ with a neat diagram. Also explain different costs associated with EOQ and state EOQ formula.
  2. What is meant by selective inventory control? Why ABC is considered to be ‘Always Better Control’?
  3. What is ABC analysis? What different steps are taken to perform ABC analysis?
  4. What is are ‘Q’ and ‘P’ systems of inventory control? Explain in detail with neat diagrams. Also explain when to apply Q system and when P system is more suitable.
  5. What is LIS (Logistical Information System)? What is meant by internal information system and external information system? What new technologies help in maintaining the information systems?



  1. What is the necessity of performing a separate cost analysis from logistical point of view? Explain Activity Based Costing and Mission Based Costing methods.
  2. Explain what is Logistical Performance Measurement with reference to Internal & External Performance measures.
  3. Explain what is meant by Logistical network analysis. What is its importance?
  4. Explain the following distribution strategies –

a. Milk run, b. Hub and spokes model, c. Direct shipment.



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Nitin Kulkarni
Prof. Nitin Kulkarni has completed MMS (Mkt.), BE (Civil) and has 5 years Industrial experience in Sales, Admin, Project management. He has 20 years teaching experience in MMS, BMS, BMM, BAF, BBI. He teaches ‘Logistics & Supply Chain Management’ in Sem. V & ‘Operations Research’ in Sem. VI and is currently the BMS Co-ordinator of Viva College, Virar. Prof. Nitin has also published books in Operations Research, QMB and Logistics & Supply Chain Management.


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