Logistics Important topics to remember (Chapter 11 – Logistics Information)


Chapter 11 – Logistics Information


1. Radio Frequency in Logistics:-


RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, a method of storing data and retrieving if via radio waves. Much in the same way of barcode can store information about a type of product; RFID tags Contain unique identifiers that correspond to inventory data base records. Switching to RFID in your logistics supply chain offers some significant advantage over traditional inventory control methods.


2. Electronic Data Interchange:-


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the fastest, easiest and most productive way to conduct business with the transportation, warehousing and logistics industry.


3. Satellite Communication:-


Provides a fast and high-volume channel for information movement around the globe.


4.  Global Positioning System (GPS):-


GPS is a satellite navigation system that helps in identification of location of an instrument / object.

Thus, GPS can be used for tracking the movement of a particular consignment.




Logistics Information System is an important link between various logistical activities at four different levels of any organization.


Transaction / Operating Level

Tactical Level / Management Control Level

Decision Analysis / Control Level

Strategic Level




There are two types of information system. They are

External Information system/Vertical Communication

Internal information system/Horizontal communication

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