Logistics Long Questions 2013 – Achievers Academy


Refer to Rishabh Publication textbook:

1) Importance of logistics (pg 3)

2) Objectives of logistics (pg 5)

3) Function of logistics (pg 9)

4) Inbound v/s outbound logistics (pg 14)

5) State and explain supply chain and logistical evolution (Pg 23, 24)

6) 3 PL v/s 4 PL (27)

7) State bull whip effect? Its reasons and its solutions (Pg 35, 36 and 37)

8) State elements of customer service (Pg 54)

9) Explain 3 phases/elements of customer service (Pg 55, 56)

10) What is forecasting and suggest importance of forecasting.  (Pg 62, 63)

11) Explain importance of transportation and what is transportation functionality (Pg 70, 71)

12) State participates and role of each in transportation (pg 73, 74)

13) Explain rail transport with merits and demerits (pg 75, 76)

14) State road transport with merits and demerits (pg 77, 78)

15) Air transport with merits and demerits (pg 83, 84 and 85)

16) Factors affecting transportation cost and pricing (pg 88)

17) factor affecting selection and mode of transportation (pg 93, 94)

18) State types of material handling equipments (pg 121, 122)

19) State principles of material handling (pg 123)

20) State and explain information functionality (pg 93, 94)

21) Logistics information system (pg 179, 180)

22) Internal and external performance measurement (pg 185, 186 and 187)

23) Objective of network analysis (pg 197)

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Achievers Academy
Achiever's was established in 2005 with a view to achieve the success to students which is helpful for them for further future. Achiever's believes in students result and future rather only coaching. The students of Achiever's should develop their self confidence in themselves which helps them in future career. Achiever's provide coaching for commerce and management and stood in first position in Dombivli, Thane and Kalyan.


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