Logistics Prelim Question Paper 2013 – Shreya Classes


N.B. (1) section 1 is compulsory. (2) Answer any three questions from section II. (3) figures in the right hand side of the questions indicates the marks assigned. (4) Answer of both the sections should be written in the same answer book. (6) Support your answers with diagram/illustrations, whereas necessary.

Section I

a)   Concept Testing:                                                                             (15)

(1)  Land Bridge and Mini Land Bridge.

(2)   (2) Specialized Equipment

(3)   (3) Kanban as tool JIT

(4)  (4) Kitting

(5)  (5) Blue Whip Effect


b)   Case Study:                                                                                      (15)

M/s Power Sports Limited (PSL) is a Delhi based company engaged in manufacturing various types of sports equipments & gears since last 15 years.

As it happened to all the industries, the heat of the competition coming from the International Companies, mainly from China, started affecting to this industry too. The business of PSL started showing decline in volume as well as in profits since last 3 years. The management solution to the problems.

The company appointed a Logistics Consultant to analyze the problems and provide solutions. During his first visit to the Company’s plant/ warehouse, the consultant observed that:

(a)  There is no place to walk in the warehouse. Every single shelf is full of stock

(b)  The factory is still operating at full capacity for production the items in stock.

(c)   The purchasing policy of the company was to order large quantities of materials.

(d)  The inventory policy was to hold stocks of all inputs to allow the production never to be held up.

(e)  The equipment used for manufacturing was rather old fashioned.






(1)  Identify the problems being faced by M/s power Sports and the implications thereof in meeting the challenges of competitive scenario.

(2)  If appointed as a consultant of the company, what solutions you will give to the company to regain the lost ground?


Section II

(1)  (a) Explain various elements of customer service                          (10)

(b) Explain Order Processing Cycle

(2) Describe different types of warehouse and state their relative advantages and disadvantages to an organization                                                             (10)

(3) (a) Explain various replenishment system                                      (10)

(b) Explain principles of Information System

(4) What are objectives of performance measurement ? Explain internal performance measurement.                                                                                  (10)


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