Logistics Prelims Question Paper 2012


Duration: 2 hours                                                                                                                             Marks -60

1)      Sections 1 and 2 are compulsory.

2)      Figures on the right indicate the marks assigned.

3)      Support your answers with diagrams/illustrations wherever necessary.

4)      Q1 and Q2 are compulsory.


Section 1

Q1) Answer the following questions briefly (Any 5)                                                                 (15)

a)      “Material handling adds only to the cost and no value “Comment.

b)      Briefly distinguish between Mission Based Costing and Activity based costing.

c)       External performance measurement – Explain.

d)      What is supply chain?

e)      What are deep water ports and what is its importance.

f)       Explain Square Root Law.

g)      Explain Just-in-time as an inventory control method.

Q2) a) Determine the trend for the following data using 6 yearly moving averages.           (03)

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Sales in ‘000 Rs 46 54 52 56 58 62 59 63 44


b) In one of the dealers’ locations a base colour is consumed at the rate of 500 litres per day. The lead time is 5 days .A safety stock equivalent to lead time consumption is maintained. What is the reorder level?                                                                                                                                                                        (03)

c) Explain road and rail as modes of transportation.                                                                    (09)


Section 2

Q3) MRP 1 and MRP2 as planning tools of Logistical Management.                                          (10)


What is the importance of Logistical network analysis?



Q4) What are the economic benefits offered by warehouses?                                                    (10)


What is customer service? Explain the objectives of Customer Service?


Q5) a) Explain “Decoupling” as a function of inventory.                                                                 (05)

b) Explain the importance of Logistical Information System.                                                   (05)


a)      Briefly discuss the role of Logistical packaging in transportation and material handling.(05)

b)      Role of SCM in modern business environment.                                                                  (05)


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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