Logistics Prelims Question Paper 2013 – Shreya Classes


Logistics and Supply Chain Management

N.B: (1) Section I is compulsory, answer any three questions from Section II. (2) Figures on the right hand side indicate the marks assigned. (3) Answer to both the sections may be written in the same answer with diagrams/illustrations, wherever necessary.

Duration 2 Hours.                                                                                                                                             Marks 60



(1)    Answer the following questions briefly:

(a)    What is “asset utilization” “                                                                                                                      (3)

(b)   What is the role of “Inland Container Depots” or that “Container FreIght Station” ?        (3)

(c)    What is “Extended Enterprise” ?                                                                                                           (3)

(d)   What is “Cycle Inventory” ?                                                                                                                     (3)

(e)   What is the role of packaging in modern logistics?                                                                         (3)


(2)    Case Study:

Fast-pace logistic is a 3PL logistics service provider. It specializes in transportation of passenger vehicles from the distribution hub to various locations of distribution network. It used specially designed multi-axled vehicles that accommodate 16-18 hatch –back passenger vehicles at a time.

Chennai, being the manufacturing base for most of the automobile manufactures, traffic from Chennai to other parts of the country, is rather respectable. But back0journey from such places until Chennai is uncertain. Hence, transporters cost out the return journey on the transportation from Chennai, making the cost unfavourable.

So,  in order to separate the cost of forward & backward journey, Fast-pace logistics, is applying innovative thinking. It feels that if it can utilize the same multi-axled vehicles for transporting other commodities from the respective location back to Chennai or south, it can make the cost economical. Considering that it has a substantial traffic for Nasik & Pune, suggest.


(a)    What possibilities can be considered by Fast-pace logistics to get back transportation loads from Nasik & Pune?                                                                                                                             (5)

(b)   What other services, Fast-pace logistics could provide to become a complete 3PL service provider?                                                                                                                                                       (5)

(c)    What different cost Fast-pace could be incurring besides empty back-runs?                  (5)




(3)    (a) How did Supply Chain Management evolve from traditional logistical Management?         (5)

(b) Explain “demand forecasting and its benefits”                                                                                   (5)

(4) (a) What characteristics are considered for transport mode selection?                                         (10)

(b) Explain briefly the underlying principles of warehouse layout.                                                   (5)

(5) (a) What is the Significance of recorder level in inventory management? Explain why safety- stock are necessary                                                                                                                                                                (5)

(b) Explain the role of information technology in logistics management                                        (5)

(6) (a) What are the areas covered by external performance measurement in logistics?              (5)

(b) What do you understand by Logistical Network Analysis? Explain briefly.                              (5)



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