Logistics Question Bank 2013


1) How to improve the effectiveness of logistics management?

2) Differentiate between Supply chain management and logistics management?

3) Explain the concept of supply chain management.

4) What are the various stages in the evolution of logistics management?

5) What are the objectives and importance of customer service?

6) What are the elements of customer process?

7) Write a note on “Elements of forecasting process”.

8) Which are the different modes of transportation. Write advantages and disadvantages of each mode.

9) What are the various factors affecting transportation?

10) How to arrive a total transportation cost?

11) Write a note on ‘Types of warehousing’ or ‘Classification of warehousing’.

12) Explain the important steps involved in Layout, Design and site selection of a model warehouse.

13) What are the underlying principles and square root law in deciding the number of warehouse locations.

14) What are the objectives and principles of material handling.

15) ‘Material handling’ adds cost but not value. Explain.

16) Write a note of Material handling equipment/systems and factor affecting the selection of these equipments.

17)Define ‘Inventory management’ and what is the importance of it?

18) What are the various costs associated with inventories?

19) Explain ABC Analysis.

20) Write a note on ‘Selective Inventory Control Techniques.’

21) Explain ‘Replenishment systems’.

22) Write a note on Inventory planning method (Fair share allocation and DRP pull)

23) How to improve the effectiveness of inventory management?

24) What are the methods of inventory management?

25) Explain JIT/JIT II/QR/CR/AR

26) Derive an expression for EOQ Economic Order Quantity.

27) What are the principles of information system?

28) Discuss the objectives of developing and implementing a performance measurement system.

29) What are the elements of performance measurement?

30) Write a note on:

i) Activity based costing

ii) Mission based costing

iii) Total cost approach

31) What are the modern trends in logistics?

32) Reasons for outsourcing and 3 PL and 4PL

33) Bull-whip effect


P.S. This question bank was given from Alkesh Dinesh Mody College students.

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