Logo Power


The three-pointed star in a ring on a Mercedes-Benz, ‘Intel Inside’ logos on computer, Nike’s ‘swoosh’, the Pepsi logo and McDonald’s ‘M’ can easily be termed as some of the popular logos of our times.

It is interesting to note that while many companies use phrases to sell their wares, only a few are successful in terms of creating an image, which consumers connect to. It is the ‘expression of a thought’ that provides the logo the power that it yields. Logos can take on meanings just by their appearance and how the consumer interprets them. Take for example the Nike swoosh-it conveys an idea of unlimited energy and movement. Pepsi’s Red, White and Blue circle also appeals so much to the Generation Y.

Making logos is a brilliant art form and marketing companies spend millions of dollars in designing logos. Many logos are timeless however certain logos also lose their relevance with the changing times and trends. Companies also have to change their image once in a while to keep up with the changes in the marketplace.

Change shows progress and growth. Tata Motors (earlier Telco) changed not only its logo but also its name, after their entry into the passenger car segment. The new logo is more contemporary and has a better visual appeal. Marketers attribute a sizeable chunk of Indica’s success to this exercise. In a nutshell, a logo not only represents the company’s brand image, but also communicates with the consumers on rational, emotional and subconscious levels, thereby forging a bond that is sometimes even stronger than the brander name.


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