Lok Sabha Elections 2014 : First Phase In Assam And Tripura



On the first day of Lok Sabha Polls 2014, 35% of 64,41,634 voters casted their vote in 5 Lok Sabha Constituencies of Assam.

41% of 12,46,794 voters casted their vote in Tripura West Lok Sabha constituency as the election was being held there.

As per election office, 27 % voting registration was in Tezpur, 45% in Jorhat, 32% in Lakhimpur, 38% in Dibrugarh and 30% in Koliabor.

Voting began at 7am at 8,558 polling stations and 6.5 lakh first time voters in the age group of 18-20 years were registered in the state this year.

As per reports, 33 electronic voting machines malfunctioned in Dibrugarh, Kaliabor, Tezpur and Lakhimpur constituencies out of which 29 were replaced and rectified making the voting continuous without any interruption.

Union ministers and contestants Paban Singh Ghatowar and Ranee Narah voted in Dibrugarh and Lakhimpur constituencies, respectively.

There are five women candidates with the ruling Congress nominating Union minister Ranee Narah in Lakhimpur, AAP putting up Jinti Gogoi in Koliabor and Hiramoni Deka Sonowal in Lakhimpur, Trinamool Congress’ Ribulya Gogoi in Jorhat, besides Independent Saheba Ahmed in Koliabor.

For the BJP, its unit president Sorbananda Sonowal and Kamakhya Prasad Tasa are contesting, while AGP nominees are former MP Arun Kumar Sarma, Pradip Hazarika and Joseph Toppo.

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