LOL! See What Happens When Cute Babies Decide To Sing And Dance!


Kitkat Dancing babies Digital campaign is symbolic of success humorous content enjoys on YouTube, Humorous babies’ content is highly popular on YouTube and such videos attract huge viewership. The highlight of the video is the infectious music track, created by celebrated music producer Mikey McCleary. The ad film was directed by Shyam Madiraju, from Gobsmack, Bobby Pawar, Chief Creative Officer, JWT, and Madiraju worked closely with animation experts from Crater Film Studios, Belgrade, to create the mix of real and animated “baby” shots.

Video Description:
Good things happen when you take a KIT KAT break. Breaks offer opportunities that you may otherwise miss because you’re too busy to notice. Opportunities to see, hear, feel something new, meet new people, and discover something. A good break can put things into perspective, help you relax and get you in the right mood and spirit to face whatever comes next!

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