Looking At Your Ex With Their Y And Realizing Exactly Why You Need To Let Go!



Love and Relationships are matters of the heart and you can definitely not have these matters under your control. The Brain with it’s magical property of functioning throughout your life, suddenly stops being all that bright and chirpy and you know that that’s when love bug has gotten to you.

It’s not that bad, and some are lucky enough to find soul mates who last for a life time without loosing that spark and charm that caused the world to stop and life to suddenly go colorful in HD mode. It ensured that you felt like never before and all those rosy and cheesy dialogues from the sitcoms and the Mills & Boon author’s creativity suddenly felt justified and truer than ever.

But what happens to those who missed the bus or worse had to get off mid way? because from where you saw it, the picture seemed to be coming from a high quality HD color source from the latest 3D screen and on the opposite side things went to black and white mode with exceptionally dull picture quality and hazy disturbance in getting your messages across.

broken heart

When you became black and white, someone else obviously became their 3D LED quality, and life just took a standstill where  you couldn’t figure out what went wrong could you? Things started to go bleaker and people became less interesting. You wished you could just shut everyone out and be in your zone where no one would enter to wreck havoc and go off, but that never helps does it?

You wait and wait for time to heal things and usually it does, but what do you do when you see that one person who meant the world to you, walk up with their current flame right in front of you and you can see everything that you lost right in front of you.

It’s best this happens to you at least once while you are making efforts to push out that person away, because this situation even though hurtful brings back all the memories and ensures you realize why it’s so good that you drifted apart. Those very obvious flaws and ingrained hopeless habits that went invisible the minute the love bug bit you will suddenly take form and ensure you know exactly why whatever happens happens for good.

You will be able to feel mentally free of the entire hatred and self pity, the blaming your circumstances and cursing the starts will stop and realization that there’s plenty of fish in the ocean will bounce right into your face.

And why not, let them be in peace after all isn’t lending out your used toys for the under privileged to play with,  a good deed done? Think about it!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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