Weight loss is a journey both emotional and physical. It is a journey of mental preparation. The mind is the powerful processor. It keeps you thinking. You keep thinking about so many things. Your weight is of a concern to many. If you are fat people talk. If you are thin people still talk. Then what is the weight that you must have. It is all about BMI body mass index. You need to manage your body weight by checking your BMI. Body mass index which covers both your height in centimetres and weight and accordingly it is measured. If you height is 155cms your weight has to be 55kgs approximately. Very few people have the ideal body weight. Half the population is either obese or over weight and the ones that never put on weight are under weight.
The whole world is obsessed with looks and weight. Weight matters. Weight does matter but how much? Indian mentality is if you are overweight you don’t get a job, you cannot make friends you are criticized in the society. Indian mothers often think that if you are fat you will not get a man who will be willing to marry you. What on earth has fatness got to do with a man to marry? Although being fat is not good for health. What society thinks is their matter. You don’t worry about your weight unless you really want to. Some skinny girls think they are fat and exercise so much in the gym. I wonder do they really think they are fat or are they just blind. Or did they forget to go and check themselves in the mirror. Some people unnecessary worry when they are models it is understood. But normal girls who are college going and want to look as skinny as possible is a real problem. Exercising is good but over exertion leads to problem. Health problem are common in these cases, they get drained out of energy and the unnecessary dieting that kills them. They starve their bodies so much so that they tend to faint any and everywhere.
News that I read a few months back was of a girl who died in her sleep due to dieting. Probably she starved herself so much that her body gave up and became weak and her life ended there. Such a young girl and such foolish things. We lose our minds reading magazines and looking at the thin models. We work so hard and take such a lot of tension. That tension makes us out on more and more weight especially women. Women are more worried than men about the way they look. They are constantly thinking and are worried about various stuff. Don’t lose your mind lose your weight. Focus on a nutritional diet. A diet is what it takes to get an ideal weight.
Don’t worry and stress about your weight. Stress less and workout more. The more you work out the more you feel less distress. The little extra fat you see now all over your body could be out within a few weeks. All you got to do is cardio. Weight training and cardio go hand in hand. Both are good for losing weight. Workouts can be fun too they not always boring. They are fun if included with variations in exercises.
Losing weight sure is an emotional journey that has to go through a lot of tears. When your try your best and the weighting scale doesn’t show any change that’s when you get depressed. Never lose hope. Life is a beautiful journey and weight loss is one of the routes. Weight loss makes you confident and bright. When you notice the changes in your body you realise how beautiful you look. Then you continue it more and more. You don’t lose hope and you keep going.
Some tips to keep calm and lose weight:-
- drink loads of water
- drink green tea
- on waking up have a glass of lukewarm water with lemon and a drop of honey
- exercise regularly
- control your diet
- hope for the best and keep going
- rest a little bit but do not give up
- prepare yourself for it is not going to be easy
- check your blood sugar levels and hormone tests
- Make your salt intake and sugar intake minimal.
Those were some quick tips apart from that very important and the most successful 3 things needed in weight loss or any journey is determination, dedication and discipline.
Determination is the 1st and the most important element in weight loss. Determination is the will to do a certain task. Not only the will to do it but the will to achieve it. Nothing can kill your determination. No matter how much people try to put you down. If you are strong willed and determination then you can achieve your goals of weight loss and weight management.
Dedication is another essential of weight loss. It only helps you keep going. Once you dedicate and decide to live a healthy life and attain weight loss. Everything will fall into place. No matter how much the body aches you still do the exercises with more and more dedication. That is the way to go. Dedication is how much can you keep going. Dedication is keeping it constant the hard work and the efforts. If a little less dedication shown makes you lose interest in the work out that you do.
Discipline is the 3rd and the best mantra. In everything that you do discipline is needed. So it is even when it comes to losing weight. Although a tough journey discipline is a must. You must be disciplined about your food and workout. Both make you and give you the body that you have been wanting. While exercising cheating is something that will not help. You cheat yourself if you skip one exercise.
Thus losing weight though and emotional journey requires lot of hard work, dedication and determination which are the 3 ds of losing weight and feeling great.
- Carren bryne.