Losing Weight Is An Emotional Journey


Weight has got so much to do with the emotional state of being. It is one aspect that triggers emotions. Putting on weight is something which is considered not so good and is like a curse. Although it is we who eat a lot and gain weight. We often look down at people because they are fat. We ignore their hidden talents and just judge them on their outer appearances. Judging a person on their outer appearance defines the kind of person you are. All of us at some given point of time get a little bit of stress. Sometimes we get a lot of stress as well while others are always stressed. They are those hyper children who get worried about every little thing. There are people who get worked up by a little pimple on their face. While there are people who have such a lot of acne and don’t even crib about it.

If you have thought that eating is the only reason why people grow fat. Then let me tell you that this is just a notion. There are many other factors why people put on weight. Factors like psychological factors, emotional factors, eating habits, hormone problems and diseases make a person over weight, fat or obese. While some idiots never understand how it feels to strive so hard to lose weight they just mock you. People try reverse psychology. Reverse psychology is something when you tell a person negative or demotivating and expect that person to feel bad and fight back and prove you wrong. Let me tell you reverse psychology works for fighter cocks and the strong willed.

The emotional people are sensitive by nature and are very fragile. We see some people looking fat and hefty. They look fat but they aren’t strong as we see. They get hurt easily physically and emotionally. It is something like a covering that looks hard but inside is all empty and soft. Such is the nature and the health of such individuals. Obese patients go through a lot of problems because of their oversized bodies and also the way people treat them. Obese individuals are looked down upon as if they are come from a different planet. People look at them and stare in such a manner that makes them uncomfortable. They wonder if they are dressed incorrectly or what is the issue like. Obese individuals are considered non active and lazy. Which in most cases in not true? Just because they look obese doesn’t mean they aren’t active.

A person is judged by his or her personality and thus when you look at an obese person you won’t keep looking at them all the time. You might even find them non attractive. But many people who are on the healthier side do look pretty; they have beautiful features that totally go unnoticed because people only focus on the outer body of that person. This is one sad part about being fat. Many times obese individuals think “oh I am fat who will look at me? Why should I even dress up well”? This often happens and is a negative attitude that causes problems in the mind. One must always be confident and positive. You should never dress to impress others but dress to express yourself. You are bold beautiful and confident.

Even in the case of men women look down upon them but as per my observation chubby guys are fun, romantic and funny. At the same time chubby guys are cute and sensitive too. Chubby guys aren’t ugly instead they could be the best husbands in future. Many of them date chubby guys and those of you who have dated chubby guys know what all they do for you. They have a different attitude unlike the skinny stick guys. Chubby guys take you for dinner because they like food and they would want you too to have a lovely time dining. They are very caring and sensitive and understand things and certain situations well. They try not to hurt their girl. Doesn’t this show that obese or healthy individuals to have a heart just like you and me and rather a better heart.

It’s the same with girls too who are obese. Often girls are considered to be hotter than men. In this world full of complexities and fake smiles there are girl who have a loyal heart too. They are humble and have no unnecessary attitude to show off. They know they aren’t some beauty goddess so they don’t give foolish attitude and throw tantrums unlike the other wanna be girls who think no end of themselves. Obesity is indirectly related to hormonal issues as well. Thus when a woman comes to know that there is a certain hormone problem she gets worried. Her stress levels rise. Hormones are something that keep changing and show the result of its change on the body and the disturbance in the mind.

Hormonal issues like thyroid and pcod are the reasons of weight gain. This is such a bad problem where in the body swells up due to hormonal imbalance and certain changes are being seen on the body. A girl has to go through a lot at that time. Certainly she’s a woman and would want to have normal periods that don’t happen because of the hormonal imbalance and thus she gains weight. Losing weight also becomes a big problem as it isn’t easy to lose weight as fast as what a normal individual can. They have to undergo a certain diet with medications and exercise to get their hormonal imbalance issue sorted as well as get their weight in control. It isn’t an easy task for them as there are several other things they have to focus on. Psychologically so much has to be taken care of and thus I say losing weight is an emotional journey and a journey to overcome that fear of being mocked and looked down upon.



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