The word ‘love’, it means an attraction of one person to the other, with or without any reason.

This small four letter word signifies a great power .It can create or give one man a power to stand against the whole world for one person. It can also destroy many worlds with its power. Only the lucky ones are those who feel this beautiful emoticon.


It cannot be expressed within words. It is a very deep feeling. I felt it once though. Those moments are unforgettable. It was the 10th day of my college that I saw her. Her eyes were so deep and the voice so pretty. It was a love on 1st sight. It felt like I would stand with her even if the world’s on the opposite side. We barely talk to each other but seeing her made my day. After few months, we came to knew each other and as the time went, we became best friends and started spending time together. At the start I didn’t find myself comfortable with her but it always felt great.


As I said before that the power of ‘love’ is enormous,  so it eventually made me sad whenever she ignored me or didn’t text me or was unhappy of me . Later on, I even started crying about this. I used to think of her 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The day I couldn’t talk to her made me cry. I always wanted to tell her my feeling but eventually the fear of losing her friendship stopped me.


The negative thoughts started coming to me. It sometime felt like how happy I was before meeting her. The feeling of ‘love’ had a great effect on me. I tried to forget her because I was afraid to tell her how much I loved her.


The mistakes which followed with me were that I told about my love to my friends. They always reminded me of her. And over that, whenever she passed by, I felt ashamed due to my friends reactions.


Now, after 5 years, she has become an unforgettable memory for me. And thinking of her makes me happy. I am sure that even you may feel this wonderful experience once in your lifetime. Thank you for reading






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