Love Eating From McDonald’s? Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Favourite Eating Place



McDonald’s turns out to be the most liked eating Big Macs-and those who don’t may still enjoy the countless unique items served by McDonald’s around the world. For a fact the burger giant serves more than 75 burgers every second.

There are some facts which we didn’t know

  1. McDonald’s opens a new restaurant every four hours.
  2. Each year, McDonald’s buys 3.4 billion pounds of potatoes.
  3. A McDonald’s strawberry milkshake contains about 50 chemicals.
  4. The smallest McDonald’s restaurant is 492 square feet in Tokyo, Japan
  5. The largest McDonald’s restaurant is 28,000 square feet located in Beijing.
  6. The McDonald’s Caesar salad is more fattening than its hamburger.
  7. McDonald’s makes burgers like Ford makes cars: with an assembly line method.
  8. McDonald’s marketing aggressively targets children.
  9. Famous people who worked at McDonald’s include Sharon Stone, Shania Twain, Jay Leno, Rachel McAdams and Pink.
  10. McDonald’s spends more than $1 billion a year on direct advertising.
  11. Approximately 9 out of 10 children in America eat at a McDonald’s restaurant every month.
  12. McDonald’s serves 9 million pounds of fries globally-per year.
  13. Every day, McDonald’s feeds over 68 million people. This is more than the entire population of the U.K.
  14. Of the 196 countries in the world, McDonald’s is in 119 of them i.e. about 61%.
  15. McDonald’s Corporation is the largest owner of retail property in the world. The company earns most of its profit not from selling food, but by collecting rent.


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Saloni Shetty


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