Love Lamborghini? Make It Your Desk!



Design Epicentrum company offers unique designs in the form of original solid wood furniture, carpets, washbasins etc. But there is something very unique Design Epicentrum has and that is a Lamborghini Murcielago Desk. This is because of the quality and craftsmanship these guys seem to deliver.

The details and the colors are so perfect and look just like the real thing. What’s especially cool about this Lamborghini Murcielago desk is that they’ve picked the high-end SV model Murcielago with the aggressive front spoiler. In all its editions the desk measures 190/160/80 cm width/depth/height, and comes in official Lamborghini colors.

Epicentrum’s Lamborghini Murcielago desk comes in a couple of different designs and can be used as an office desk or even a coffee table, depending on the required configuration. Car showrooms are particularly appropriate places where these desks can add a bit of style.

The company has not mentioned the pricing of these desks, but with this design and that kind of quality, it probably has a lot of zeros. These desks are truly dream products for car lovers, especially who adore the Italian supercar. The Lamborghini Murcielago desks are not official or licensed Lamborghini products; if they were, there would be the logo on the upfront of the desk.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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