Once upon a time there was a damsel in distress and all of a sudden a prince charming comes into picture and the rest is history that we can predict. Isn’t this a quintessential plot in every love story but the truth is that in reality we have to deal with real people and real situations which is no Taylor swifts Enchanted world.
But the truth is that love is an emotion that all of us have and a tale of the most wanted emotion is always welcome. It is here that we get caught in the Spell of a love story .For it gives us hope of a promising future despite the odds. A love story if a good one may end up being a dear one to remember.
And an example of few favorites are Sam’s letter to Jennifer, a walk to remember, the vow. But, love stories seem to create unjustified expectations that end up being a major cause in cede of a rift for one of them is dissatisfied. Like a said love stories are like an example of the classic phrase that ” grass is greener on the other side “.
It feels great when taking a breathtaking view of the grass ahead but what about our side and here you’re story .We all wait for the right moment ,the right time and the right act in order to have the perfect love story but what we tend to forget is to take that moment and make it perfect. For a story without being a story would be a love story to remember.
– Khyati Kotiyan