The perennial argument of whether the front- bencher is better or the back bencher always comes up, in any class argument or memories and with us BMSites coming to an end with our college life in a few months we decided to take up this debate and figure out the back benchers story behind it!
There are toppers and they are usually front benchers, they are quiet, shy and always have their hand raised at the drop of a question. These front benchers cry if they get 80% or an A grade saying that 5% more or an O grade would have been so much better. While we backbenchers stare in amazement at their marks after all 2-3 of us would have passed in those many marks.
We party, we bunk lectures, we see every movie first day, first show and all our books are filled with doodles and cartoons of our professors. We sit at the last bench because we don’t want to end up staling up the lime light from our front bencher friends. We are extremely considerate and maybe it’s because of that quality in us that our professors love us.
They just can’t stay without us, and always call us up front and make us stand in front of the class. At times they love us so much that they just understand how much we want to have fun and let us out of class.
We may not live in books like the first benchers but we know the world better than them, we haven’t read books on how to reach new places or attended the lecture where the professor explained how to operate a computer, but we know the best hangout places and are high scorers of the most amazing games you would have ever played.
The one thing that we care the most about is our reputation and completing the task given out to us, which is why we ensure that we live up to our reputation of being the livewires and keep up the task of keeping the class alive in every lecture! After all being a backbencher isn’t easy is it? 😛