Love vs Arranged Marriage


In our Indian society and culture, arrange marriage are going on from centuries. Indian culture do not believe in love marriage as in India there is a tradition and culture of taking consent of parents and relatives. In our country love marriages are accepted but do not get respect as arranged marriages get.

When talking about love marriages partners tie the sacred knot after knowing each other well, after getting in to each others comforts level, after knowing the good and bad things of each other. In love marriage, expectations level get higher and higher as time increases and when talking about arrange marriage it needs time to know each other, to get in to the comforts level and even the expectations are lesser from the partners so arrange marriages almost get succeeded.

Even in case of arrange marriages,marriages are done through the consent of parents so when there are financial or some relation problems at that time parents are ever ready to help the couple. But if marriage done without their consent then there would be lot of problems faced by the couple and there is no guarantee that parents would help or not. 😉

Some people prefer love marriages because it gives independence and freedom to choose partners but in arrange marriage parents choose but they are well experienced to choose a partner for their daughters and sons. And some don’t believe in love marriage as they don’t want to cut the family ties as they give first priority to their family. So it depends on a person and on his views and perceptions what he/she thinks about marriage.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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