M.K. Sanghvi College Presents Lakshya 2011



Malini Kishor Sanghvi College of Commerce & Economics

Lakshya is a management festival of Malini Kishor Sanghvi College of Commerce & Economics. It is held every year in the month of December. This year “Lakshya’11” goes bigger with it being celebrated for four days, that is from 21st December, 2011 to 24th December, 2011. Lakshya has been celebrated since the past 5 years and this year will be bigger and better as Lakshya enters in its 6th year. The theme for this year is “Mumbai: The City Life”, wherein Lakshya will make its participants experience the feel of Mumbai.

Lakshya is not only a festival with simple events, but like every year with the managerial skills and techniques, students of M.K.Sanghvi bring out vibrant and crazy events, which have never been seen before. The highlights of last year’s events were Twister, ASAP, Be a Man, Girl Power.

This year we bring out various events but with a little more wacky, crazy and non – imaginable taste. It’s been a hard time for the members of the Lakshya committee to think, brainstorm and get out such events.
These events include of Campus and Class room based Games, Sport Events & Cultural events.

This year to our Major addition we have the Lakshya Premier League (LPL)

The Mega event “Lakshya Premier League” is organized by the Lakshya festival on 24th December, 2011 at Jamnabai Narsee Monjee Ground, Juhu. The event will start in the morning at 8.00 a.m sharp with an inauguration ceremony which will be inaugurated with our college authorities and celebrity guests. It will be followed by the various matches played till evening 6.00 p.m ending with the Prize distribution ceremony.

The Schedule for this year’s Festival.

21st Dec – Events & War of the DJ’s
22nd Dec – Events & Dance & Fashion Show
23rd Dec – DJ Night
24th Dec – Lakshya Premier League.

For more details, contact –
Virali Panchamia
Lakshya’11  Team
Contact no – 9820614030

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