


Mobility to Users: The end user can make a transaction from anywhere any time. He can access the data using WAP Site.

Easy Payment: Payment procedure will become easier because user has already account. The product price will be deduct from the balance of the account.

Customer Support Services: Customer can get support using feedback. User gives the feedback and also suggest for acquiring special service.


System Analysis

ü  Understanding System

ü  Feasibility Study

Tool Analysis

ü  Requirement Specification

Understanding System : Project deals with shopping of product on mobile. It facilitates Selling of products, Recharging amount of prepaid coupons for mobiles, Billing amount of postpaid customers. Registered customer surfing through mobile on the WAP site and place their order.


Feasibility Study : The feasibility of the system checks whether the system is able to efficiently provide the facilities for which it was intended and the likelihood of the system being useful to the organization.

ü   Operational Feasibility

ü   Technical Feasibility

ü   Economical Feasibility

Operational Feasibility : The system denies access to invalid users or unregistered users.

The system accepts changes wished by users through feedback and alter accordingly if desired.

Technical Feasibility:

Databases have sufficient sizes to support new products.

System provides all the inquires to the customers related to the site.

System can support future enhancements such as new products entry and credit card billing.


Economical Feasibility :

The system can be economical to the agent as all work is computerized and reliable.

Cost of development is nominal.

Requirement Specification :

The system to function requires the users to have a GPRS enabled Mobile Phone. Without a GPRS enabled phone the system fails. The users can access the site only through their network-connected phones through the net.

ü   Hardware/Software Requirement


Hardware, Software Requirement


Hardware Requirements:

ü  Processor with 933 MHz of clock speed or higher

ü  128 MB RAM

Software Requirements:

ü  Platform: Window 2000, Window XP

ü  Front End: ASP.NET

ü  Back End: SQL Server 7.0

ü  Other: Mobile Explorer 3.00


User Modules

Admin Modules

User Modules

Login : Create and maintain system user.

Product : Retrieve the stored products, their listings and purchase the product.

Balance: Maintains the user’s current balance and their updation.

Mobile Recharge: It recharges the mobile prepaid account.

Bill Payment: It makes payment of the postpaid bills.

Detail Purchase: View detail about all purchased product.

Change Password: It can change the password of the user.

Administrator Modules

Register User: Administrator can register the user.

Balance Update: The administrator can update the user balance.

Delete Account: The administrator can delete the user account.

Access Database: The administrator can access the databases.

Change Password: It can change the password of the Administrator.


The system only works on GPRS enabled mobile phones.

System efficiency varies depending on Network Connection Provider.

Future Enhancement

Billing through credit cards

New Products entry

New Schemes and Facilities

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