MAH MBA CET 2014 15th March 2014 Exam Analysis



MBA MBA MAH CET 2014 was conducted on 15th March 2014. The paper had questions from the following sections:

  • Quant
  • Verbal
  • DI
  • Logic
  • Verbal reasoning
  • Visual reasoning

The number of questions asked in each section were – 15 for Quant, 50 for Verbal, 30 for DI, 67 for Logic, 8 for Verbal reasoning and 25 for Visual reasoning.

1) In Quant section, majority of the questions asked were from PNC, Geometry and Arithmetic. Students who had solved past CAT question papers would find this section easy to solve.

2) In DI section, 10 questions were asked on DS and 3 sets were easy to solve. Only 1 set had more calculations and was time-consuming.

3) In Verbal section, 5 questions were asked from reading comprehension squat, 5 questions were from normal reading comprehension and 2 sets with 4 medium and 6 easy questions. 2 sets of Closed passages, 5 questions on grammar, 5 questions on Vocabulary usage and 5 questions on Fill in the blanks, 5 questions on Paragraph jumbles, 5 questions on finding the start of the sentence etc. were asked.

4) In Logic section, questions were quite lengthy. 29 questions on puzzles out of which 15 were easy and 14 were moderate. Also questions on coding, decoding, symbols, input, output were all asked for 6 marks each.

5) In Visual reasoning, questions were based on prephrase, g strategy, options, pen and pairs etc. were asked. Usage of a marker can help you to increase your speed to solve the section.

6) In Verbal reasoning, 8 questions were asked, few on ISAC strategy, 2 mark questions on course of action, 5 marks questions on strong-weak etc.

MAH CET 2014 exam of 15th March 2014 was on the same lines of last years’ exams but students might find it quite difficult compared to past years’ papers.

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