Maintaining Diary or Journal Helps You In Many Ways ?!



I was told in school the importance of Diary writing and Journal writing. I never paid attention to it. Thought it was a waste of time. As I grew up, I came slowly know the importance of it. Maintaining a diary really helps you a lot. I maintain a diary and write about everything that I feel in it. Same goes with Journal, to write TO DO list, what work has to done etc. It helps you to stay organized and helps you with planning. Diary or Journal Writing is a Good habit to inculcate.

Whenever you are having a bad day or things go wrong, you can always write them in diary but most important you can also read the past entries of happy times. It helps you a lot in such situations. It makes you laugh on your own thoughts, makes you smile from the memories you have written down. It creates a nostalgic experience. The peace you get when you read about yourself is different from any other novels or books.

Your own diary becomes your own guide in difficult and hard situations. As you grow up, you tend to forget the importance of small things in life. Diary writing helps you to remember such joyful things in life.

Imagine when you will get old, you will read all the dairies that you have written and feel so nostalgic. 

Even today when I read my old entries, it makes me not only happy but helps you to think in right way and motivates me. It tells me how strong or weak I was, How I dealt with difficult times, How I emerged strong in the worst situation. It truly is my BEST FRIEND.


Journal Writing keeps you on track, it is like a personal assistant. But you must make sure that you fill in the journal so that this assistant helps you.  Journal writing keeps you organized and planned. It helps you to stay in discipline and  follow your routine and schedules properly. It also helps you to keep a record of things .

People who have tendency of forgetting things must definitely try to keep a Journal. It will help a lot.

If you see executives, CEOs or Directors you will find they keep a Journal for their schedules for their meetings, appointments etc.  It helps them to manage time more effectively.


These days there are many apps which you can download, so techno savvy people can maintain Journal and diary on the go on their phones or Tablets.

Nowadays you also get customized dairies and journal like student journal or diary which is good.

Guys maintaining a Diary or Journal will really help you in many ways and will be beneficial in your life.

Select or make a diary which reflects your personality. Making a customized diary or journal is much more fun. You can do so make things to it. 



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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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