Make A Move


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We all want change we all believe in change but we don’t want to initiate to change …. Change for good, change for society. Everybody wants better infrastructure and better environment where they and their family can live happily throughout their life. Such people do initiate change they take pain to improve………. But not selflessly and they do it for their family and friends………. Things don’t matter to them if it doesn’t affect their loved ones. Even the complete grown up and experienced people don’t have the courage to benefit the society by facing life threatening dangers…………… but someone have that courage for her country’s people especially for her nation’s girls……….

A fifteen year old girl was shot in head when she stood up for her right. The bullet did leave a mark in her life, ascar which made her stronger and more determined about her goal- EDUCATION FOR GIRLS.

A girl of only 15 had the courage to fight against the antagonists who prohibited her from studying. She not only succeeded in her fight but her bold and brave step awakened the whole world.

Now the question is she has awakened us all,but have we left our beds yet?

We were lucky enough to have a college where we learnt about science, math, world, space. Even though we broke rules, made fun, we are still the most disciplined of any age group. The reason is we are incorruptible. We do things for happiness and joy. And learning with fun has always been the most effective way of teaching. Yes, we are still teenagers, we go through mood swings, are emotionally immature and it’s our time to enjoy, but if Malala alone can, why can’t we keep aside these personal worries and give ten minutes of thinking to how we can make a change.

The world out there awaits us and we have to live up to their expectations. Currently, we are counted as one of the developing nations which claim to be liberal, secular, literate and fair to its people. Appallingly, these are mere words. If we zoom in, every day the newspapers are filled with news of a scam, inflation, corruption etc. Yes, sole talking would not make any difference; we need to make a move towards it. 66 years of independence and all we have is right to choose our parties which seizes our right to any other right and we continue to suffer.

The youth of a country is its strongest weapon to fight all sort of social evil.The years spent in school has developed us from innocent kids to responsible youth of tomorrow.We leave school to take charge of greater responsibilities, with ideas and ambitions of making and being a change to the society first,and then to the nation. We are not too young for it. But it’s time we realize our obligation. We do want to be mamma’s doctor, daddy’s engineer, and writer, model, managers, actor, policeetc.for ourselves. But along with these, we haveto be the best son/daughter of our mother INDIA.




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