Make Sure Your Hair Doesn’t Frizzle During This Drizzle!


bad hair day2

Bad hair days have been distressing most of us. Most of them happen often during the rainy season because of the humidity in the air. Chances are that on such days, when your hair refuses to follow your whims, all you do is tie it up and forget it.

Hairstyles for the monsoon:


Common sense will tell you that short haircuts are the easiest to keep in top condition. But go easy on the length. Very few women can get away with close crops and really short hairstyles. If you have the perfect oval face, go for it. In fact, any hairstyle becomes an oval face.

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 Shoulder-length or just off the shoulder bobs will suit most women. These can be curly, wavy or straight. They add more bounce and volume to hair. A hairstyle to die for is the graduated bob that Victoria Beckam sports, which has sides longer than the back. For this style, you need poker-straight hair. If you don’t have straight hair, avoid putting your hair through the stress of straightening. In the monsoon your hair is vulnerable to breakage.

If you’ve ever tried to comb through wet hair, you’ll know it’s true. Curls and tousled heads are in. So enhance those curls with a good quality gel or hair mousse.  You can even braid your hair and add some hair accessories to it. Be innovative!

Hair care:


Humidity can play havoc with hair and cause scalp infections like dandruff. The only solution is to keep the scalp and hair clean. Dandruff thrives in humid conditions, and some fungal scalp infections can even cause hair loss. If you get wet in the rain, make sure you shampoo and condition your hair as soon as you get home. Regular shampooing won’t lead to hair loss or a dry scalp if you use a mild shampoo. Remember to use a conditioner even if your shampoo has a conditioner built-in.

Don’t even think of going in for a perm or color during the rainy season, as these treatments stress out hair. Go easy on the blow drying, which can cause breakage and split ends. Keep the nozzle of the dryer a few inches away from your head. However, it’s important to dry your hair immediately after a shampoo.                                                        Keep all this in Mind.

Eat for healthy locks:


Include lots of vegetables and fruit in your diet. Eat five almonds first thing in the morning for vitamin E that will make your hair lustrous. Soak the almonds overnight, and before eating them, peel the skins. Eat well and keep those tresses healthy!


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Riya Lokhande


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