“Make use of opportunity and continue learning beyond classroom” says Rishabh Sharma, S.M. Shetty TYBMS (Finance) Topper 2013


Interview with Rishab Mahendra Sharma, Finance Topper of SM Shetty College Of Science, Commerce & Management Studies, Powai {73 % (Overall) [Finance-80%]}


  • Tell us more about yourself.

I’m an adventurous kind of person, always ready to accept challenges & take initiative, positive-minded & believes in action. Although being from educated family background as my Grandfather was Senior Accountant, Father is a Businessman & Mother is a Sanskrit & Hindi teacher in Government School along with Open Board Incharge, I’m not very studious person. I love to learn & gain knowledge from every little thing surrounding me.


  • Were you expecting to top in the Finance subject in your college? To whom would you credit this success to?

I was very poor in Mathematics & Accountancy during School. I had a fear from Numerical subjects. After passing out XII class, I was confused to choose stream for further studies till the day I heard a sentence from my Mom,

“Do Not Fear Challenges, Accept them & Fix them through Smart Work.”

This sentence changed my life. I worked on improving myself & started taking interest in Financial & Mathematical subjects.

It will not be wrong if I say that I was expecting good scores in Finance but becoming topper among other Finance students wasn’t expected.

I would like to give large part of credit to my Loving Parents, Mrs. Geeta and Mr. Mahendra Sharma who instilled good values in me & worked really hard to make all my dreams come true, My Educational Parents, i.e. my Professors at SM Shetty College & Navigator Tutorials who have always been supportive in all the smallest of the things & lot of moral support from My Dear Friend Pratibha & Vikas who always believed in me and kept my morale high.


  • Did you prepare religiously from Day One or A few weeks before the exams?

I started preparing for V Semester from the Day One by regularly attending Coaching Class & concentrating on the quality education I got during the lectures, completing home-work on time & studying about every topic from various reference books.


  • How did you allot time to different subjects? 

I haven’t made any time-table as I never had been able to follow any time-table. I just focused on a single subject at a time & kept consistency in studies without diverting mind towards anything else. I practiced for FM & SSF regularly and studied theory subjects as the time permitted, but made sure that I completed everything before examinations.


  • Can you share some insights on how to crack the Finance subjects before exams? Any special way of writing the answers? How to crack case studies?

–       Always keep a Note-book ready with all kind of sums solved to see at last moment.

–       Keep star marked on the sums, which you feel are important.

–       Keep formulae highlighted as formula based sums are most easiest.

–       Make a box over your final answer which makes it visible to the checker & he may also not cut your marks for any silly mistake you might have done while solving the sum.

–       Keep basic rules of Mathematics in mind which helps you to solve sums easily. For Eg., BODMAS, Algebraic Formulae, Solving Brackets & +/- Signs, etc.

–       Solve last 5 Years University Question Papers.


  • Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

BMS is an easy course which does not require coaching classes during FY & SY but for the preparation of TY, an individual needs coaching classes which helps him/her a lot in keeping a pace over studies due to the consistency of the studies.

I too joined Navigator Tutorials in TY which helped me a lot in scoring these marks.


  • Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities? Do you think a BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities?

“Where there is a will, there is a way.”

BMS Students are meant to be future Managers which requires them to manage everything including their time.

Yes, I participated in extra-curricular activities during FY & SY but particularly during TY, I totally focused over studies due to the time wastage in travelling.


  • Did you pursue any additional courses/ internships alongside BMS?

No, I didn’t pursue any additional courses other than BMS but Internship at <www.bms.co.in> made me visit to other colleges which helped in networking with different kind of people which was an unique experience.


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

When you feel like quitting, think about how it started. It was started by your parents, you don’t own this life, neither eligible to end it, shattering behind all the dreams of your parents associated with you. Coward people thinks of this kind of options, Strong People compete everyday.

I would suggest students to always have that “Someone” with whom you can share your problems and it can be anyone – Parents, Best Friends, Girlfriend / Boyfriend Or Lifepartner. Just open up infront of the right person, Share everything you have in heart, it will make you feel lighter.

Basically, I’m very positive minded person who manages everything positively. While staying alone in a Metro city, one needs to relieve tension every now & then. To divert mind from Negative energies, I share everything with My Best Friend & My Siblings. Whenever I feel alone or depressed, I just make a call to them or leave home and breathe in open air which makes me feel positiveness of nature.


  • Do you think the number of Industrial visits should be increased for BMS Students? Which industries have you visited?

BMS Students are provided with Industrial Visits which gives them practical experience of the industry. More practical experience enhances more real-life ability of a student to work in practical world in future.

I had visited following industries during my BMS :

–       HMT, Hyderabad

–       ISB College, Hyderabad (Not An Industry)

–       Amartex, Chandigarh

–       Dabur

–       Shawl Manufacturing Plant, Kullu


  • Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock? What changes would you like to bring in the BMS Curriculum?

BMS is a course which should include assignments and projects. It should be made more practical course in manner of Company Visits, Research Works, Practical Assignments, etc.

Syllabus needs to be reviewed regularly as per the market demand which will help in producing good managers for the companies.


  • What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

The practical component of 40 marks is very helpful in moulding your personality; so make use of opportunity and continue learning beyond classroom. Just keep studies going on alongwith extra-curricular activities, as both makes you compatible for practical world after TY.


  • What are the future plans post BMS?

Currently pursuing my TYBMS (Finance), I’m interested towards Finance sector & would like to complete my Masters related with this field only. I have a plan to pursue Phd because of the dream of having Dr. prefixed with name, after gaining an enough work-experience.


  • Any Feedback/Suggestions for BMS.co.in?

Being attached with the bms.co.in family since it came into existence provided me a chance to watch it growing. This site provided me a great help in preparing for exams by regular updates & FAQ’s. It gave me the opportunity to work as an Intern for this website which had broadened my world.

I heartily wish a very good luck to the team of this site as they are really working too hard in making it a great success. 🙂

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