Make White Your Perfect Choice This Fashion Season!


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Pairing your whites right exudes class and showcases sheer versatility.The plain white tee offers limitless styling potential. Herewith, a bevy of fresh street style looks to rev up your fall fashion rotation.Here are few tips you can keep in mind:

1)Soften up an all-leather ensemble with a comfy tee.

2)A clean white tee works as the perfect palette for a structured military jacket.

3)Double up on the classics (trench coat, v-neck tee) for timeless elegance.

 4)A graphic shirt matches the playfulness of a neon skirt without upstaging

 5)Pair your favorite vintage t-shirt with a statement coat for an eccentric, slightly off-kilter vibe.


6) Strike a high-low balance with tweed trousers, a loose-fitting tee, and a designer bag.

7)Mellow out your monochrome by swapping a relaxed t-shirt for a starched button-down.

8)If you opt for more than one strong, directional piece, throw an understated v-neck into the mix to avoid a case of trend overload.

9)A white t-shirt is a must for any layering maestro. Also: how cute is this cropped vest?

10)Go sleeveless for an air of easy breezy insouciance (not to mention added ventilation).


11) Put down the glitter gun. A sequin jacket and blue velvet pants are more than enough luxe for one outfit. Rein in the glitz with it!                                      

Truly,it’s not about what you wear but how you wear it! Add some spunky accessories,chic belts and make your whites look ensembles of class and sophistication. Embrace this style and make a fresh statement and you are all set to pull it off!

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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