Make your college-wear more stylish this winter!


Mumbai doesn’t have a cold winter we just have chilly mornings and slightly chillier evenings, so getting all geared up for winter has no point.

Using this limited cold winter to our advantage, college dressing can be made much more stylish and funky!

Neon accessories.
Neon accessories.
  • For Girls, you can team up leggings or jeggings with a long top made of wool. Make your leggings the brighter of the two giving you a look like the winter version of colored pants. Team it up with a colorful sling bag and you have the perfect look.
  • Animal printed or bright colored stolls teamed up with dull coffee, beige or black would look wonderful with a pair of slim-fit jeans.
  • Team up boots when you are planning to wear bright colored or neon jackets and accessorize your attire with metal accessories.
  • Neon accessories will also look good if you have a hoodie in colours like white, black, brown or grey.
  • Try out printed pants with bling accessories to make a statement.


Multi-colored Scarf.
Multi-colored Scarf.

For guys, its colors all the way this winter, try out color pants with subtle colored t- shirts or shirts.

  • Colorful hoodies with cargo or military colored shorts make for a good option.
  • V-neck sweaters on top of shirts teamed up with nerdy glasses and there’s the perfect nerd look in place.
  • Three-fourth in colors like coffee, grey or beige with a smart t-shirt accessorized with a hat too would set the perfect look in place.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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