Make Your Wardrobe Ready For This Spring


Spring is almost a month away, It’s perfect time to prepare your wardrobe for this spring season. 

Spring brings colors in our lives as well as pleasant feelings. 

So why not prep up your wardrobe for this beautiful season of the year. 

Today I will be sharing with you all the essentials for Spring season. 

1) Pastel Color Fashion


When spring season is about to come, you see pastel colors everywhere in the shops. I love pastel shades as they give a fresh feeling. Buy shirts or T-shirts of pastel colors this season. Best part about these colors are they go on any jeans, trousers or skirts due to their light colors. 

Mint, baby pink, peach, baby blue colors etc. are ideal shades for spring.

2) Floral Print. 

floral print skirt

Floral Print is another must have in anyone’s wardrobe as it never goes out of fashion. A Floral print trousers or jeans are ideal. But I think a floral print skirt is even more better. As it looks more elegant and pretty. 

Have something of Floral print in your wardrobe, it might be anything like t-shirt, shirts, skirts etc.. But do have them in this spring season.

3) Sheer Cardigans 

sheer cardigan

Sheer Cardigans will be really help to bring a spring outfit together. If you are living in a cold country then springs are going to be a little cold as well. So this sheer cardigans will also help to keep you warm. They are very versatile and look really chic or elegant depending upon how you style them.

4) Colorful or Bright colored scarf


Pastel shades sometimes can look a bit dull so to avoid that you can wear bright-colored scarf to make it look brighter. Scarfs really makes a difference whether it is infinity scarf or a normal scarf with prints which will make your outfit look really nice.

5) Simple Accessories 

Keep it simple in spring , minimal accessories are better. Don’t wear something which will stand out the most, wear something which is simple and looks well with the outfit. 

6) Shoes


Sneakers are best options this season as they look cool on any outfit. Nowadays you find them in so many different colors and prints as well. If you are not the one to wear sneakers everyday a pair of neutral shade flats will do the work. 

These are the must haves in my opinion for a wonder spring wardrobe. I love fashion and spring as one of my favorite season after winter for fashion. 

The shops you can look forward to are Forever 21, Zara, Lifestyle, United colors for Benetton and Veromoda.

Have a really lovely spring this year !!! 




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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