Making A Career Pick? Try Social Media Marketing!


‘SMM’ or ‘Social Media Marketing’ is a part of ‘Digital Marketing’ and is a booming career option in today’s world. 500 million and rising is the number of people who use Facebook today while the population of India is 655.8 million umm… safe enough to deduce that every 5 out of 7 people you meet are going to be Facebook users, and Facebook maybe the largest but is just 1 among the plethora of platforms available to help you get a social connect via the internet.

So social media simply can’t be ignored if you plan to take up any business, ok let me rephrase, by taking a step back; what is a business? Buying or selling of goods or services in exchange of goods, services or monitory benefits. Now out of the first 10 people who come to your mind how many are engaged into business? May be at an individual level or as a part of an organization, a decent figure of 7-8 people and what about the remaining 3, they are professionals you’d say!


So what do professionals do? Simply explained, they are highly skilled people who help you out in issues dealing with their field of expertise, so a doctor helps you with health issues, a lawyer with legal issues or a chartered accountant with your taxation issues. With the high rate of competition in the market these professional do need to promote their services or themselves to ensure a smooth flow of income, don’t they? So Social Media can’t be ignored by anyone today!

we need you

Which is exactly why when you plan a career today one of the major options for you to choose from is SMM; because anyone who wants to become successful is going to need YOU! Now since everyone needs you is definitely determined, we may as well conclude that as someone making a career plan you will eventually want to become the SMM head or an SMM director with one of the top firms in the field so how do you reach there? We have not yet reached a stage where you can graduate with SMM as your major and yet taking it up is an essential requirement.

The solution for all of you who plan on exploring SMM as a career option is to have a decent amount of knowledge and training in the field, so that you can grow eventually and reach your dream designation. Even if you don’t have SMM in your career road map having alternate options is always a wise choice and with the current market trend SMM fit’s in the bill perfectly.

typing gif

Being a very hands on field, to be able to explore SMM completely theory doesn’t help. You need to face the Facebook blocks, the Google+ share restrictions and the Twitter character restrictions to know how to work a way around them, to know the best way in which you can manage to get maximum audience engagement and get your message across with least time and efforts put in.

New skills concept.

At we a have created an internship plan for all of you enthusiastic learners to understand social media with the 25% theory and 75% practical experience you shall receive. Our plan is to help you learn the 10 pillars of the world of SMM: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest, Linkedin, Tumblr, Instagram, MySpace, Flickr and Youtube with a lot of hands on experience and supporting theory guidance to ensure you know all the loops and loop holes of these 10 SMM pillars at the back of your hand.

With a curriculum that plans to teach you these major platforms, from the comfort of your home and in exchange for an internship certificate, this 45 day SMM internship has a lot more to offer. Being the No.1 website for the BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) course, we never forget our managerial roots and in this internship like all others that we offer you will get an opportunity to learn all the core qualities of being a good manager like team work, communication, leadership skills and time management.

Social Media Marketing Internship Schedule:

Week Learn Work Experience
1 Facebook  Facebook
2 Scheduling + Flickr Facebook
3 Google+ + Instagram Facebook
4 Twitter + Youtube Facebook
5 Linkedin + Tumblr Facebook
6 MySpace + Pintrest Facebook

Who Can Apply:

Individuals who are hard working, enthusiastic, highly committed to their work and plan to make a successful SMM career.

Another essential requirement for eligibility is having a good internet connection.

 How To Apply:

Send in your updated resume to [email protected]

About is the No.1 BMS web portal in India. We are a young team of highly committed and enthusiastic BMS graduates who by the means of aim to bring in a positive change in the life the BMS fraternity.

Started 3 years ago today is among the top 3,000 websites in India and has a Google Page 3 ranking. We have touched the lives of BMSites by posting BMS Notes, provide guidance for projects, assignments and presentations, putting up Coordinator, faculty, student as well as entrepreneur interviews.

Always acting in the interest of BMSites, we launched the super successful appeal against the FM paper fiasco, last academic year:

This year too we have taken center stage and floated the appeal against the highly controversial 75:25 evaluation rule by the University of Mumbai:

We also have regular updates of interesting and intriguing articles from diverse fields like politics, business, world affairs, youth affairs, social causes, health, travel, entertainment, humor and career guidance and world affairs and keep organizing a lot of events and contests for the benefit of the BMS student community. also offers amazing internship opportunities in the field of Content Creation, Contest Organization and Sales and Marketing.

*The statistics used are true as on the date of publishing this article.



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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