Management Concepts : 10 Things You Should Know Before You Start Your Day



Missed checking out yesterday’s Management gyan? The Day 3 Management Gyan covered few basic concepts which can be read in less than 2 minutes.

This section of ‘Key Concepts’ is updated regularly so that you can read and learn 10 management concepts everyday in easiest way possible.

Here we present Management Concepts : 10 Things You Should Know Before You Start Your Day:

  1. Command and Control – giving orders and seeing that they are obeyed
  2. Cost center – expenditure clubbed by a named center
  3. Credit card – personal credit agreed upto certain limit on approved purchases from approved dealers
  4. Credit terms – extent to which credit is allowed on transaction
  5. Culture – stabilized values at any time in defined area such as group, organization, nation etc.
  6. Data mining – digging past experience through computer dedicated system
  7. Deadline – fixed time line which one cannot afford to cross
  8. Debit cards – authorizing debiting one’s bank account after purchase
  9. Debtors – one who owe on sales
  10. Decision system – systematic clubbing of decisions

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