Management is Arts / Science



The topic I am gonna speak about is “Whether management is an art or science”.

What if i say it’s COMMERCE…haha…

Okay, first let’s see-

Many authors have different opinions about management. I think that management should first start from our own selves then only a person knows what is management in true sense…..Management is both science as well as art...i will tell you how….not as a philosopher …hahahahaha……….

First it’s important to know what is science. Science is nothing but invention and innovation of various technologies and various concepts. Art is proving or applying the scientific concepts in your professional or personal life to make things better than they were before. And now what is management….??? Management is handling those things from which we get desired results….

So applying various innovative concepts and doing it at a right place and right time will add a “char chand” to management…….

Take an example:– There is a manager who is well-versed with all the concepts and there is a customer who is really screwed up with the company service. At that time convincing him in a polite and friendly tone and solving the problem then and there would make a customer  feel better.

The science told the manager the concepts and the art which he created in him helped him to solve the problem. This is how management is both an art and science…..

Samajh gaye?

Any doubts??

Post it as comment.

I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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