Management Lessons From Ramayana



Ramayan, it has been the part of our Indian history and culture since a very long time. A story that has been passed from generations to generations each time with a different goal. Sometimes just as a story and at times as lessons and values. By lessons here I mean management lesson as for a fact we all know that it has also shown a great reflection on relationship lessons as well.

Management in itself is a vast field and gets better every time you know a new thing about it. Now of course there are many lesson to learn for “The Ramayan” but for now I will only be focusing on few because let’s get real one cannot cover all of it at once.

Following are the lessons:

  • A premium on values
  • Leaders need to create more leaders
  • High on motivation
  • Leaving you comfort zone

Well when it comes to Ramayan then there has to be a mention of values. Now a premium on values is nothing but to stay on with a core value or an ideology which in this case was ‘dharma’, which will lead you to success. We are not unknown to the very ‘ethics of business’ which is basically values of management. These ethics are the ones which will help a business to work for a long run and derive the best of it all

Leaders need to create leaders… this fits best for the roles played by lord Ram in the case of lord Hanuman. When there came a time where in a person had to enter the enemy’s camp it was lord Ram who showed confidence towards lord Hanuman and got him ready to go to lanka. This is how lord Ram created the spirit of leading in lord Hunuman.

When it comes to motivation we always mistake it as that the way it should come is that of from higher to lower. If you ask me then I have a complete different thinking about motivation. It is not necessary that a higher authority has to motivate the people below him. Motivation should also be the other way round. When the troop of monkeys motivated each other that is when they could build their bridge to lanka.

Comfort is a word that does not have an existence when it comes to warfront. The way lord Ram took the help of his nearest source that of the forest, he being the son of the king it must have been very difficult for him to not use his force from his kingdom and still have a war. This is the best example of one leaving the comfort zone and still getting it all the way to victory.


–          By Nidhi Bhatt

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