Management Stuff You Should Know Before You Graduate



Dear BMSites,

Hope you enjoyed reading the 10 Management Concepts of the Day 2 and we are sure it helped you.

This section is updated regularly to teach you 10 management concepts everyday in simplest way possible.

Here we present Management Stuff You Should Know Before You Graduate:

  1. CEO – Chief Executive Officer – officer owning overall responsibility of the organization
  2. CIO – Chief Information Officer – officer in charge of total information and information technology
  3. Capital – initial raising of resources for further transformation and its continued use in future largely in terms of money
  4. Captive energy – energy being produced with own equipment and not taken from outside
  5. Career progression – tentative plan as to how an employee will progress in the career
  6. Chain management– process chain managed together
  7. Closure – closing down of business activity
  8. Columnar charts – figures representing information through columns
  9. Comfort level – stabilized comfortable position
  10. Command – order, instructions given as authority

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